Suppose I have a Geometric Brownian Motion process, $$dX_t=\mu X_t dt + \sigma X_t dW_t$$
I'd like to find the covariance of $\log(X_t)$ and $\log(X_s)$ where $s<t$. We can write $\log(X_t)$ in differential form as $$d\log(X_t)=\sigma dW_t+\left(\mu-\frac{\sigma^2}{2}\right)dt$$
That's $$cov(\log(X_t),\log(X_s))=E[\log(X_t)\log(X_s)] - E[\log(X_t)]E[\log(X_s)]$$ $$=\sigma^2 s - ts\left(\mu-\frac{\sigma^2}{2}\right)^2$$
Is there anything wrong with my derivation? As my intuition tells my there shouldn't be any term associated with $\sigma^4$. Any help is appreciated!