I'm new to swaps, I've a question about how to calculate the floating rate of an EONIA Swap from market quotation, so that we can keep an eye on the evaluation of our contract Market Value, DV01, etc..
The formula for the EONIA swap floating rate is: $$r=\frac{360}{n}\left(\prod_{i=t_s}^{t_e-1}\left(1+\frac{d_i}{360}r_i\right)-1\right)$$ where:
- $r$ is the variable rate taking compound interest into account;
- $t_s$ the start date of the EONIA swap;
- $t_e$ the end date of the EONIA Swap;
- $r_i$ the EONIA fixing rate on the $i$-th day;
- $d_i$ the number of days that the value $r_i$ is applied (normally one day, three days for weekends)
- $n$ Total number of days.
Let's say we entered a 20y EONIA Swap on the 20/01/2020, 1y fixed payment frequency, 1y float payment frequency. How can we calculate our float rate $r$? Do we do a future projection of the floating rate? Can someone breakdown this on a simple example please?