Let $X_t:=e^{W_t}$ where $W_t$ follows the Wiener process. Calculate the drift.
The answer is given as $X_t/2$. My attempt at a solution (which I'm afraid is poor from a mathematical standpoint):
I applied Ito's lemma as $$dX_t=\frac{\partial X_t}{\partial W_t}dW_t+\frac{1}{2}\frac{\partial^2 X_t}{\partial W_t^2}(dW_t)^2$$ and using the fact that $(dW_t)^2=dt$, we get: $$dX_t=\frac{e^{W_t}}{2}dt+e^{W_t}dW_t$$ Therefore the drift is indeed $X_t/2$.
Is my derivation correct? I would appreciate any input on that.