I would like to calculate a basket European option with Black Scholes local volatility model.
I want to simplified the basket option into a single underlying European option. Should we get the local volatility surface with single underlying instruments as usual and get volatility by the following formula?
Assume the correlation $\rho$ is constant.
(2-equal-weighted underlying for demonstration purposes) $\sigma_{basket}^2(S^a_{t},S^b_{t},t) = (\frac{1}{2}\sigma_{a}(S^a_{t},t))^2 + 2\rho(\frac{1}{2}\sigma_{a}(S^a_{t},t))(\frac{1}{2}\sigma_{b}(S^b_{t},t))+ (\frac{1}{2}\sigma_{b}(S^b_{t},t))^2$