I am trying to understand how quasi Monte Carlo (QMC) and the Brownian bridge (BB) can be combined to price an asset, but I am having a hard time understanding how. I am just considering a European option on a single asset modelled by a simple scalar SDE $S_t=a(S_t,t)\mathrm{d}t+b(S_t,t)\mathrm{d}W_t$. Here is what I understand so far.
In the usual Euler-Maruyama approximation, we discretise using the $\hat{S}_{t+1}=a(\hat{S}_t,t)\Delta t+b(\hat{S}_t,t)\sqrt{\Delta t}\mathrm{d}Z_t$.
In standard Monte Carlo (SMC), $\mathbb{E}f(S_t)\approx\frac1{L}\sum_{i=1}^Lf(S_t^{(L)})$, where $L$ is the simulation number.
We can also use a single BB with $M=2^N$ uniform timesteps by generating the end point first, and using $W_t|W_T\sim\mathcal{N}\left(\frac{t}TW_T,\frac{t(T-t)}{T}\right)$ to generate midpoints recursively.
In QMC, instead of pseudo-random numbers, we generate using low-discrepancy sequences, e.g. rank-1 lattice/Sobol points.
I therefore have the following questions:
How do I combine the BB and QMC ideas? I haven't found a resource that really helps me understand how to use the two of them together.
The variance of the BB is geometrically decreasing, isn't that a good thing? I read that the BB is only helpful for QMC estimation of the European option, but not for SMC. Where does this come from? The same resource mentions that they "have the same variance and thus convergence rate of $\mathcal{O}(L^{-1})$", which does not make sense to me.
How does this extend to multiple assets? So far, I understand the Cholesky decomposition $LL^\mathrm{T}=\Sigma$, $L{\bf W}_t^\perp={\bf W}_t$ helps us capture the covariance, but I don't see how this works with QMC/BB.
Edit: the resource I was referring to in particular is this one on page 7, which says "Both schemes have the same variance, hence their MC convergence rates are the same, but QMC sampling shows different efficiencies for SD and BBD".