I would like to find a way to measure Liquidity for Commodities Futures. I found the following 4 papers/definitions:
Volume (Share / Dollar) (Dollar Volume Liquidity)
Amivest Liquidity Ratio (Comparison of Liquidity Measures in the Stock Markets)
Amihud: (The Night and Day of Amihud's (2002) Liquidity Measure by Yashar H. Barardehi, Dan Bernhardt, Thomas Ruchti, Marc Weidenmier :: SSRN, Illiquidity and stock returns:cross-section and time-series effects)
The first 3 only refer to Stocks.
Are the above measures applicable both to Stocks and to Commodities?
Can they be applied to Future Contracts?
Would they be equally valid on daily basis vs a monthly or yearly basis?