
What are the most used/mature/promising commercial solutions today which handle backtesting/ automated trading needs?

I'm talking about vertical product suites like QuantFactory or Deltix which address market data capture, historical data, CEP, backtesting, trading, etc. (I would be more specifically interested about the backtesting part though.)

  • What are the big players here?
  • Do you have any feedback (pro/cons) about theses solutions?
  • What is the cost of integrating such a solution into an existing ecosystem?
  • Are they customizable enough to handle very specific needs?

I know that sounds like a lot a different questions, but I'm trying to get a general feeling about these tools (are they popular, useful, who use them, for what, etc.)


3 Answers 3


Some LinkedIn groups are particularily adequate to post these questions. Your question has already been asked in "Automated Trading Strategies" at this URL: Seeking input on QuantFactory, Deltix and 4thStory: Professional end-to-end Automated Trading Solutions.

Feel free to let us know the state of your research.

  • $\begingroup$ LinkedIn requires an account to view the results. Can you summarize the comments here? $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 2, 2011 at 0:29
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Chrisaycock, That thread was all over the place with answers in 3 categories: "too buggy for the price" "works just right" and "contact me for details." $\endgroup$
    – Tangurena
    Commented Mar 6, 2011 at 16:43

I can share my own experience working with the Deltix product suite. As a research and development platform it's very feature rich with support for every back-testing mode there is (BBO, Trade, Midprice, Bar, Level 2 Order Book) and advanced optimization modes (walk-forward, genetic, mean-variance, portfolio optimization, etc). I have built components and external back-office tools to integrate with my strategies. This is easy by building around their central data warehouse (TimeBase) from which a strategy receives input (market data) and can optionally send output to for other strategies and components to pick-up in real time (custom data and inter-strategy event handling). As far as the cost of integrating it into an existing ecosystem, they now have a retail offering (which I'm currently using for freelance development) that is cheaper and a good place to start learning the APIs and porting existing strategies. You'll then have a clear cut upgrade path to the full blown product suite when your work is re-qualified as "institutional".


There are many:

  • Marketctera
  • iQuantTrader
  • CEP Trader
  • IQBroker
  • Algo Trade
  • ActiveQuant
  • TradeLink
  • Orc
  • FlexTrade
  • Portware
  • Apama
  • Aleri
  • etc

Try a Google search to find more.

  • $\begingroup$ some of these aren't backtesting $\endgroup$
    – pyCthon
    Commented Nov 19, 2012 at 4:22

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