Let $f[t]$ be the price of a stock at time $t$. We can calculate the rolling rate of return of the stock in a window of length $n$ by computing: $$r[t] = \frac{f[t] - f[t-n]}{f[t-n]}$$ $r[t]$ is serially correlated, since neighboring values overlap by $n$ samples. I want to estimate a distribution for $r[t]$ empirically that is unaffected by autocorrelation. One way to do this is to thin the series (i.e., sample every $n$th value). This effectively means the windows used to create the $r[t]$'s that get sampled don't overlap.
- How do I decide whether to select samples $1, n+1, 2n+1, \ldots$ or $2, n+2, 2n+2, \ldots$ or $3, n+3, 2n+3, \ldots$, and so on?
- Is there a way to make use of all the samples (e.g., by creating distributions from each of the sets of samples above and then combining them) that is not sensitive to the autocorrelation?