How would I prove that a Black-Scholes Model is not a Martingale if it has drift. In many cases it is just stated as a fact (without proof). For instance if Im looking at: $$dS_{t} = \mu S_{t} + \sigma S_{t} dB_{t}$$ $$S_{0} = 1, \beta _{t} = e^{et}, \tilde{\beta}=B_{t}+((\mu-2r)/ \sigma)t $$
From this I got to: $dS_{t} = \mu S_{t} + \sigma S_{t} d (\tilde{\beta}-((\mu-2r)/ \sigma)t)$ Which when expanded leads to: $$dS_{t} = \sigma S_{t}d \tilde{\beta}_{t} + 2rS_{t}dt$$ Is there a way to prove this is not a Martingale with something more substantial rather than "has drift term". Im assuming it would have to lead back to Solving the SDE. Starting with it being under P $$Z(t)=S(t)e^{-rt}= S(0)*e^{(\mu -r-1/2 * \sigma^{2})t +\sigma B(t)}$$ Then changing it to being under Q. $$Z(t)=S(0)*e^{(\sigma^{2})t +\sigma W(t)}$$ Any help on how to actually prove no drift is a martingale (hence with drift it isnt) would be most appreciated.