It's my understanding that in order to calculate the option adjusted spread on a mortgage backed-security, the following steps are required:
- Run a Monte Carlo simulation of interest rates
- Project mortgage rates along each simulation
- Compute cashflows and get NPV
- Average NPV and compute spread that solves for the number added to zero curve
I have been looking everywhere online for python or C++ or C# code to implement this form of calculating OAS, but alas I cannot find anything. The closest thing I found was C++ in QuantLib
However the code below does not do any monte carlo interest rate simulation, it appears to be simply solving for a spread, similar to zspread
Would this OAS method not work for an MBS given that there isn't a monte carlo of rates?
Is my understanding of how to calculate OAS correct, or incorrect?
Likewise if you can help point me in the direction of a code base that implements OAS on an MBS it would be much appreciated.
Spread CallableBond::OAS(Real cleanPrice,
const Handle<YieldTermStructure>& engineTS,
const DayCounter& dayCounter,
Compounding compounding,
Frequency frequency,
Date settlement,
Real accuracy,
Size maxIterations,
Spread guess)
if (settlement == Date())
settlement = settlementDate();
Real dirtyPrice = cleanPrice + accruedAmount(settlement);
ext::function<Real(Real)> f = NPVSpreadHelper(*this);
OASHelper obj(f, dirtyPrice);
Brent solver;
Real step = 0.001;
Spread oas=solver.solve(obj, accuracy, guess, step);
return continuousToConv(oas, *this, engineTS, dayCounter, compounding, frequency);