I need your help with understanding and solving the HJM framework. I am hoping I can get some help as I feel so lost with HJM and learning online because of the pandemic is adding more stress. Anyway this is the problem:
An HJM forward curve evolution by parallel shifts is then of the form $$ f(t, T)=h(T-t)+Z(t) $$ \begin{aligned} &\text { for some deterministic initial curve } f(0, T)=h(T) \text { and some Itô process } d Z(t)=\\ &b(t) d t+\rho(t) d W^*(t) \text { with } Z(0)=0 \end{aligned}
Show that the HJM drift condition implies $b(t) \equiv b, \rho^{2}(t) \equiv a$, and $$ h(x)=-\frac{a}{2} x^{2}+b x+c $$ for some constants $a \geq 0$, and $b, c \in \mathbb{R}$.
My attempt:
We take the derivative of $f(t,T)$
$$d f((t, T))=\left(-h^{\prime}(T-t)+b(t)\right) d t+\rho(t) d w^{*}(t)$$
The Q dynamics of the forward rates of the HJM framework is in the form of:
$$f(t, T)=f(0, T)+\int_{0}^{t}\left(\sigma(s, T) \int_{S}^{T} \sigma(s, u) d u\right) d s+\int_{0}^{t} \sigma(s, T) d u_{t}^{*}$$
$$d f(t, T)=\sigma(t, T) \int_{t}^{T} \sigma(t, u) d u+\sigma\left(s, T\right) d \omega_{t}^{*}$$
Hence the HJM drift equals:
$$d f(t, T)=\rho(t) \int_{t}^{T} \rho(t) d u$$
$$d f(t, T)=\rho^{2}(t)(T-t)$$
Setting $x = T- t$ we get:
$\rho^{2}(t) x=-h(x)+b(t)$ <- not sure about this part.
Taking the derivative with respect to $x$ on both sides we get:
$$\rho^{2}(t)=-h^{\prime \prime}(x)$$
Setting $x = 0$ we have:
$$\rho^{2}(t)=-h^{\prime \prime}(0)=a $$
Now to show that $$b(t) \equiv b$, we know $\rho^{2} = a$ which is a constant hence:
$$a \cdot x=-h(x)+b(t)$$
Setting $x = 0$, we get: $b(t)=h(0)=b$.
I am not sure how to show this part: $h(x)=-\frac{a}{2} x^{2}+b x+c$.