I want to backtest some portfolios that involve leveraged long term treasury bond funds like TMF, at least as far back as the 1970s. Since there does not seem to be any T-bond ETFs with history going that far back (and leveraged ETFs have even shorter histories), I could approximate the price of a hypothetical leveraged T-bond ETF using daily market prices of some class of bond, e.g. 30 year T-bonds.
Where can I get daily (like end of day quotes) price data for something like 30 year T-bonds going back to 1970 (or earlier)? There are indices like ^TYX which are bond yield, and yahoo finance has daily quotes on ^TYX going back to 1977. But I'm looking for the bond price rather than the yield. ^IDCOT20TR is such an index of 20 year T-bond prices (which TMF tries to track 3X), but I cannot find more than a few years of history on it.