Assume we have some money. At every point in time $0\le t \le T$, we can take either action 1 that is to keep our money until $T$ say in a bank and have an expected return of $f(t)$ or take action 2 that is to buy a lottery ticket, have an expected return of $g(t)$ and the system disappears then!
The problem is that we don't have a closed-form expression for $f(t)$ but we know that $$\frac{df(t)}{dt}-f(t)+\alpha=0.$$ Similarly, we don't know what $g(t)$ is but we know that $$g(t)=h(t)-\gamma,$$ where $$\frac{dh(t)}{dt}-h(t)+\beta=0.$$
$\alpha, \beta, \gamma>0$ and we also know that no matter what action we take, the system disappears at $t=T$ so $f(T)=h(T)=0$, so we would like to take an action that maximizes our return.
If we know that there is a time interval, or even a point in time, say $\tau$ where it's best to buy the lottery ticket, how can we compute the return corresponding to that time interval?
We can solve the two ODEs and we see that both $f(t)$ and $h(t)$ and consequently $g(t)$ are decreasing and concave in $t$, if we use $f(T)=h(T)=0$ as the boundary condition. And that's all I could do!
Can anyone give me a hint?