I'm considering an extension of the binomial model where the risky asset can take three values at each node, that is $ S_{t+1}=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} S_t\cdot u\\\nonumber S_t\cdot c\\ S_t\cdot d \end{array} \right.$
with $0<d<c<u$
If we consider $r\in]d,u[$ the market is arbitrage free but for sure it is not complete. I don't think I can find a unique price for the contingent claim so my question is what is possible ? I tried to solve the system by backward induction to find a hedging strategy but the system has no solution . By the way, the fact that we add a third value invalid all we have about the price of the contingent claim as an expectation since the binomial representation is broken ?
Thank you a lot