I am trying to understand the below:
Question 1 how can [W(t1) - W(t0)] = [W(t1) - W(0)] =[W(t1) - 0] =some positive number be a profit or loss? In this calculation the purchase price is not taken into consideration. The above positive number make sense if it called portfolio value at the end of time t1.
Below is the text extract from Stochastic Calculus Bk2: Continuous Time Models Also below is construction of the topic leading to the above question.
Ito integral for simple integrands
Assume that $\Delta(t) $ is constant in t on each subinterval [tj,tj+1). Such a process $\Delta(t) $ is a simple process.
Here we choose a single path of a simple process $\Delta(t) $
Values of $\Delta(t) $ depends up on a particular path $\omega $ belonging sample space $ \Omega $. If we choose a different $\omega $ then we will have a different $\Delta(t) $ for each time interval.
$\Delta(t) $ depends only upon the information available till time t.
Since there is no information available at time t = 0, $\Delta(0) $ will be the same for all the paths. Hence the first piece of $\Delta(t) $ for $ 0\leqq t \leqq t1 $ does not really depend on $\omega $
The value of the $\Delta(t) $ on the second interval [t1,t2) can depend on observations made during the first time interval [0,t1)
We shall think of the interplay between the simple process $\Delta $ and the Brownian Motion W(t) in the following way.
Regard W(t) as the price per share of an asset at time t. For here we assume W(t) can take only positive values.
Think of t0, t1,. . . .tn-1 as the trading dates in the asset, and think of ∆(t0), ∆(t1), . . . .,∆(tn-1) as the position (number of shares) taken in the asset at each trading date and held to the next trading date.
The gain from trading at each time t is given by:
I(t) = ∆(t0)[W(t) - W(t0)] = ∆(0)W(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ t1,
∆(t0) is similar to ∆(0), this is some positive quantity. Here W(t0) is similar to W(0), W(0)=0
For W(t) to be a Brownian motion, W(0) = 0 is the requirement.
I understand that Itos integral will give profit or loss at any point in time. But without taking into consideration the purchase price/cost, how can we call the value at t1 (at the the end of first time interval) as profit or loss. I can understand if it called Portfolio value.
Kindly clarify/guide.
Thank you