According to the accepted answer to a question in this site on the interpolation in the term structure of volatility surface:
A simple linear interpolation on implied variance along iso-moneyness lines is enough to guarantee that there is no arbitrage between maturities as long as the inputted market data is arbitrage free.
In my case, however, I have implied volatilities sampled at fixed delta points for a set of maturities $\{ T_i \}$. If I linearly interpolate the implied variance at a time $T$, where $T_i \leq T \leq T_{i+1}$, along iso-delta lines, will the time-interpolated results at $T$ for all delta points be arbitrage free?
My guess is yes, but I'm hoping someone can confirm. In the Black-Scholes model, the delta of a call option is $\Delta = N(d_1)$ where $N()$ represents the cumulative normal probability density function with $$d_1 = \frac{\log(S_0/K) + (r + \sigma^2/2)T}{\sigma \sqrt{T}}.$$
Because $N()$ is monotonic and non-decreasing, I'm hoping the arbitrage-free result would still be maintained. I would much appreciate if anyone can confirm or refute this.