Lets say for example my TN for USDHKD point per day spot is -1.9467 and for 1mnth it is -1.4142 and the notional is 100m HKD dollars.
Would you say more or less I would be flat in terms of funding ? do I calcuate the funding for holding the 1 month positon by doing cost = ( ppd x amount $$ x days ) you do that for tn and 1mnth ppds and basically you get the difference and would that be your funding cost ?
Moreover , if we are negative points does this mean we are recieving and if we are positive we are paying ? From my understandinf if you are positive it means you are paying for the positions.
Please help me understand funding in fx swaps. How do I know that that my funding will be expesnive ? how do I know if fudning for dollars will be expensive?