In the Open Gamma paper describing the ISDA CDS pricing model, it is mentioned that given the time notes of the credit curve $T^c=\{t_{1}^{c},...,t_{n_{c}}^{c}\}$ and that the survival probability for the time node $i$ is $Q_{i}=e^{-t_{i}^{c}\Lambda_{i}}$, then for a time point $t\in(t_{i}^{c},t_{i+1}^{c})$ the corresponding survival probability is given by the following equation:
$$Q(t)=\exp\Big({-\frac{t_{i}^{c}\Lambda_{i}(t_{i+1}^{c}-t) + t_{i+1}^{c}\Lambda_{i+1}(t-t_{i}^{c})}{t_{i+1}^{c}-t_{i}^{c}}}\Big)$$
My question is how this equation is derived?