I am trying to replicate the Schwartz-Smith (2000) model and having an issue understanding what the data is and how to generate it. Specifically, the authors use a table of continuous futures with expirations maturity = [1/12,5/12,9/12,13/12,17/12]. How exactly is this created? I have daily prices for a series of gold futures: GCM1, GCZ7, GCZ9, GCM9, GCV8, GCQ7 for example, but these contracts all have a start and end date. What is the way to create the 5-month continuous futures contract from this data?
This was asked in Where can one find the daily prices of commodity futures of multiple maturities and time to expiration of the contracts? but the answers were about the data sources, not the mechanics of stitching the contracts together. Additionally, I can find resources about the different weighting methods when stitching two contracts together, but nothing about how to assemble the time series.