As the title suggests, how can I calculate the MFIV daily (for a market index)? My MFIV follows the procedure described in DeMiguel et al. (2013) Improving Portfolio Selection Using Option-Implied Volatility and Skewness. A brief recap of the MFIV procedure is as follows:
- Obtain OTM call and puts with deltas <0.5 and >-0.5, respectively.
- Using their implied volatilities, perform a cubic spline for the volatility skew using the moneyness range of 1/3 to 3 with 1001 points in between.
- Price 1001 options using the Black-Scholes formula.
- Price the variance contract using the formula from Bakshi et al. (2003) Stock Return Characteristics, Skew Laws, and the Differential Pricing of Individual Equity Options.
- Take the root of the variance contract that is the MFIV.
My question is - If we should use a 30-day set of OTM call and put options to compute a single 30-day MFIV measure, how can we go about computing this daily if there aren't 30-day TTM options everyday?
From what I understand, one can interpolate for a 30-day IV daily using "surrounding" contracts How to compute 30/60/90-day Implied Volatility? but these only produce a single 30-day IV.
How can I go about generating these multiple 30-day OTM call and put options on the days that they don't exist? Since options usually exist for a fixed maturity - like the 3rd Friday of every month.