I have an intraday dataset with minute returns for a bond. At a specific point in time, say 10:30, there is an external shock (in my case an auction where that bond is traded). I want to know whether the volatility before the shock is the same as after the shock. If I understand it correctly, using standard deviation of returns before and after the shock is not a good idea, since these returns are not independent.
Then, would it be a good approach to estimate a GARCH model right before (e.g. between 8:30 and 10:30) and right after the shock (between 10:30 and 12:30 or even the end of the same day)?
If yes, then could you please help me with R implementation. I use the following code (package rugarch):
MyModSpecify=ugarchspec(mean.model = list(armaOrder=c(0,0)),
variance.model = list(model="sGARCH",garchOrder=c(1,1)),
distribution.model = "norm")
MyModFitting=ugarchfit(data=MyData$Return, spec=MyModSpecify, out.sample = 0)
Then running MyModFitting can print the results on the screen such that mu, omega, alpha1 and beta1 are estimated. But is there a way to save these in 4 different variables? For instance, to save the value of mu (which is simply printed on the screen) to variable MyMu.
- Finally, suppose I run this for the period before the shock and then after the shock for different days. Then for each day I will have estimates of mu, omega, alpha1 and beta1 before the shock and after the shock. Then how can I test if volatility is different before the shock and after the shock?
Thank you!