Questions tagged [american-options]

An option that may be exercised at any time before the expiration date.

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Regress later LSMC

I am looking at the regress-later LSMC introduced by Broadie, Glasserman Ha. This can be found here: Simulation for American Options: Regression Now or Regression Later? by Paul Glasserman and Bin Yu ...
Lost1's user avatar
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What are the downsides of using Kim's integral equation (1990) to determine the exercise boundary of an American option?

I'm new to the industry and trying to wrap my head around American options pricing. The integral equation(1) from Kim (1990) doesn't seem to make any strong assumptions, and approximating the integral ...
Eashan Gandotra's user avatar
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Improvement in lower bound of American call with discrete dividends

Question Suppose a stock pays 2 discrete dividends $d_1, d_2$ at times $t_1, t_2$ respectively, where $ t < t_1 < t_2 < T.$ Assume the risk-free rate, $r$, is a positive constant. Given that ...
Hmmmmm's user avatar
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JDOI variance reduction method python

Has anyone read the paper 'JDOI variance reduction method and the pricing of American-style options' by Johan. I want to implement the simulation. But For Monte carlo I got different results. andI ...
Elmy Zhang's user avatar
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Longstaff & Schwartz algorithm - Python: American option cheaper than European option

I have implemented the Longstaff & Schwartz algorithm for pricing American Option in Python, but I ran into an issue while doing some experiments: sometimes, for the same option, I get a higher ...
Noomkwah's user avatar
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Understanding American option payoff at T+0

The above picture shows the payoff at expiry(in gold) and at current time T+0(in blue) for a bull call spread. I am trying to understand American options and to know if it has any significant ...
FawaMop's user avatar
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Black Scholes/American Put/Martingale Condition

Consider a Black Scholes model with $r \geq 0$. Show that the price of an American Put Option with maturity $T > 0$ is bounded by $\frac{K}{1 + \alpha} {(\frac{\alpha K}{1 + \alpha})}^{\alpha}{S_{0}...
Parinn's user avatar
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American option pricing using path integrals

I am writing a brute force code in python that implements the path integral formalism for the American put option, the goal being to obtain its price at given a price $S_0$ of the underlying asset. ...
NX37B's user avatar
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Binomial option pricing model for American options on assets paying a continuous dividend yield

Let's say an asset has a continuous dividend yield of 5% (and assume interest rate is 0%). If I want to price an American call option on such an asset, I take each time step individually and construct ...
artemars's user avatar
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Prove that there exists a critical price for a American call option with continuous dividends

For a American call option on a stock with continuous dividend yield, show that there exists a critical price, that is a price $S^*_t$ such that if the stock price is above this at time $t$, then it ...
user67149's user avatar
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implied-information in american option

I have recently been researching European options versus American options implied information. For European options, an overview article is Christoffersen(2012). But for American options, I only found ...
Yifei Zhang's user avatar
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Delta-hedge experiment of American Put option

I am trying to run a delta-hedge experiment for an American Put option but there's a (systematic) hedge error which I cannot seem to understand or fix. My implementation is found in the bottom of this ...
Landscape's user avatar
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Implied Volatility Discrepancy in American Options - Mathematical Reasoning?

I've been analyzing Tesla stock American options data and have observed an interesting pattern that I'd appreciate some help understanding. For this analysis, I obtained the Implied Volatilities (IVs) ...
Manish's user avatar
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Optimal exercise time in Binomial model

Let (B, S) a multi period binomial model that is arbitrage free. I would like to prove that the unique optimal exercise time for an American call option is the maturity time T. My idea is to prove ...
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LSMC for Out of The Money paths

In the Longstaff & Schawartz article they condition on using In-The-Money (ITM) paths only for the regression. The reason for this is to obtain more accurate results and also reduce the ...
Landscape's user avatar
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Is American put Gamma always greater than the European one in the non-early-exercise domain?

Consider a pair of American and European puts with the same specifications except the former has the continuous early exercise right. Has anyone plotted the Gamma's of both as functions of the ...
Hans's user avatar
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Pathwise sensitivities of American options - Derivative of the American payoff function

How can I compute the derivative of the payoff function for an American put option? In the paper "Smoking adjoints: fast Monte Carlo Greeks" by Giles and Glasserman (2006) they compare two ...
Landscape's user avatar
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Is this an optimal stopping problem?

I am trying to work out how to approach a machine learning problem of 'learning' an optimal liquidation time/threshold, under some conditions, from historic data. The idea is a trader armed with this ...
Zac's user avatar
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Continuation value in Longstaff-Schwartz: Why the expected value?

In the paper by Longstaff and Schwartz on American option pricing, the continuation value at time $t_k$ is given by: \begin{align} F(\omega;t_k) = \mathbb{E}_Q\Big[\sum_{j=k+1}^Kexp\Big(-\int_{t_k}^{...
arni's user avatar
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American option pricing formulation

Assuming the usual setup of: $\left(\Omega, \mathcal{S}, \mathbb{P}\right)$ our probability space endowed with a filtration $\mathbb{F}=\left(\mathcal{F}_t\right)_{t\in[0,T]}$, $T>0$ denoting the ...
Martin K's user avatar
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Longstaff-Schwarz LS Monte Carlo - which approach is correct? [closed]

I'm trying to understand Least-Square Monte Carlo approach for pricing american options. I'm familiar with Tsitsiklis and van Roy (2001) approach where we are going backwards with: $V_T = h(S_T)$, ...
Georgie's user avatar
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If American Options always have positive time value, how can it be optimal to exercise an American Put early? [duplicate]

r > 0. I understand that money today is worth more than money tomorrow. So if volatility is 0, it's better to take the money today. But I don't understand how to square away the following: Time ...
Alec's user avatar
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Comparison of the American and European call deltas

Suppose the interest rate is zero. A stock with price $S(t)$ at time $t$ pays only one dividend at time $t_1$ such that $S(s_+)=S(t_1^-)q$ where $q\in[0,1]$ is a constant. Consider a European call and ...
Hans's user avatar
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Properties of the American derivative security price process

$$ \newcommand{\cbkt}[1]{\left\{{#1}\right\}} \newcommand{\rbkt}[1]{\left({#1}\right)} \newcommand{\sqbkt}[1]{\left[{#1}\right]} $$ Shreve volume I, defines an American derivative security as follows: ...
Quasar's user avatar
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Black-Scholes PDE for American options (inequality)

I am currently working on American options. I saw that we can derive a PDE for American style options in the same way as with BS for European options. In a textbook, I found that the PDE leads to an ...
quoxxy's user avatar
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Convergence rate of Bermudan to American option

When trying to value an American option we often use grid-based methods (e.g. Monte Carlo in combination with Longstaff Schwartz; or Finite Difference Methods). As such, we are in fact estimating the ...
Landscape's user avatar
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How can I derive the price of american options given the european options prices? [closed]

I have the european volatility surface of a given asset. What is the correct procedure to compute the price of the options with american exercise type?
Rodrigo's user avatar
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Is it possible to have only one volatility surface for american options (that fits both calls and puts)?

Put-Call Parity does not hold for american options. Hence, I don't see how it would be possible to have one surface that would encompass both calls and puts. For example: Let pick a call lying in the ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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Does the risk neutral pdf that is derived using Litzenberger-Breeden Method correspond to gamma and it's integral correspond to delta?

I derived the pdf using the butterfly prices and the curve looks like gamma of an option at every strike. Is that the case or am I missing something to get the pricing of an option?
vedant bajaj's user avatar
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Exotic options with lookback features [closed]

I am trying to value an american call option with a lookback feature. So the holder can choose to exercise either based on a fixed strike (K) or a floating strike equal to 10-day moving average (MA). ...
DLW's user avatar
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Put price characterisation

I am reading Shreve's Stochastic Calculus for Finance II: Continuous-Time Models. I am trying to understand the below two concepts: Topic 8.3.3 Analytical Characterization of the Put price on Page ...
KD007's user avatar
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Binomial Tree for CDF

I'm tasked with solving an optimal stopping problem relating to stochastic process representing a firms profit namely $X_t = X_0 + \mu t + \sigma Wt$ where $X_0, \mu$ and $\sigma$ are constants. ...
lt12's user avatar
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What are some good books to get started with option theory? [duplicate]

Recently graduated in econometrics but starting to realize my knowledge is limited. Any and all tips are welcome!
Max van Leeuwen's user avatar
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Perpetual Option Paying Chooser Option

A perpetual option solves the ODE $$rSV_S+\frac{1}{2}\sigma^2S^2V_{SS}-rV=0$$ The general solution is $$V(S)=aS+bS^{\gamma}$$ where $\gamma=-\frac{2r}{\sigma^2}<0$. For an American put option with ...
Alex's user avatar
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Why do we worry about the bid/ask spread when pricing option in incomplete market?

Several resources I saw introduce the notion of bid/ask spread when trying to price options in incomplete market, I don't understand why the notion is introduced since we are interested on the price ...
coboy's user avatar
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Is there a closed form solution to calculate Fugit for stock options?

I am trying to find a quick and dirty way to estimate fugit for a basket of American options real time. Is there a quick way to provide a proxy? I know one can do binomial tree or monte carlos ...
DLW's user avatar
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What is the optimal time for exercising American call and put option?

A 9 month American option (underlying) is known to pay dividend of USD 1 and USD 0.75 at the end of the ...
Sri nath's user avatar
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American option under Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stock price

I came across with the following problem: For the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process $(X_t, 0\leq t\leq T)$ with initial condition $X_0 = x$, find the stopping time $\tau$ that maximizes $\mathbb{E}[e^{-r\...
Aguazz's user avatar
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Early exercising American put options

I have found a proof that an American put option without dividend will never be exercised early. However, I suspect that that is not true, so there should be a mistake in the proof. The proof is as ...
Riemann's user avatar
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Under put call parity shouldnt the implied volatility for call and put for same strike and maturity be the same?

If all of the other inputs into black scholes (divs/rates/time to maturity/strick/current price/etc) are all the same between two pairs of calls/put contracts on the same security, shouldn't the ...
qwer's user avatar
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Volatility of American vs European Stock option return

Let's say that I hold an American Call Option (ACO) and an European Call Option (ECO) in my portfolio on the same underlying, with same strike price and same maturity date. Given that I hold both ...
ABCDE's user avatar
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American Option Valuation - Induction algorithm

The price of an American put option is given by $$V_k = \sup_{\tau\in\mathcal{T}, \tau\ge t_K} E\{e^{-\int_{t_k}^\tau r_sds} (K-S_{\tau})^+|\mathcal{F}_{t_k}\}$$ I found in one book the following: $$\...
Markov's user avatar
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Suboptimality bias in least squares Monte Carlo for American options

In Monte Carlo pricing of American options we form two estimators: A high estimator that is biased upward because of "look-ahead" bias (i.e., at any given time we uses future information to ...
arni's user avatar
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Generating Greeks with American Options

Investor and Software Engineer but very new to quant finance here... I have the below code (which I'm sure will be helpful for some) and have some questions regarding the function parameters! Is RF ...
Michael Paccione's user avatar
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What is the greatest theoretical delta value?

In a few options positions I'm currently holding I noticed delta values of ~0.6 while gamma is ~1.0 which surprised me as I thought delta can never be greater than 1 - meaning for every 1\$ move in ...
Flion's user avatar
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Selling American calls before ex date vs. exercising

From reading Hull OFOD (among other references), I understand that early exercise makes sense for an American call option at time $t_n$ when $$D_n > K\Big[1-e^{-r\big(T-t_n\big)}\Big]$$ for a call ...
Craig Pena's user avatar
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Bermudan pricing in Black-Scholes

Is there an "analytical" method to price American options (approximated as daily Bermudans) in the Black-Scholes model using backward induction? $$V_T(S) = \max(K-S, 0)$$ $$V_{T-\Delta t}(S) ...
user357269's user avatar
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Difference in pricing of American call and put

In Paul Wilmotts quantitative finance books he says that the the value of an American option satisfies the following $$ \frac{\partial V}{\partial t}+\frac{1}{2}\sigma^2S^2 \frac{\partial^2V}{\partial ...
smbch's user avatar
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Early exercise American Options with Dividend

this is a basic question but I have not fully understood it. Let's say we have dividend paying stock (continuous dividend yield), when would we exercise the Option early? Since the Dividend yield is ...
Maths student G's user avatar
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Yield to call on American style callable bond

(Assuming current bond price is quoted and maturity, par value, strike price all known..) I was wondering how do we calculate yield to call on American style callable bonds after the call date has ...
user58873's user avatar

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