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3 votes
2 answers

Why are FRA/futures convexity adjustments necessary?

This would be my explanation for the reason that convexity adjustments must exist: Futures are margined daily, such that if a trader is paid a future and rates goes up then money is paid into their ...
quanty's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

What is the correct convexity adjustment for an Interest Rate Swap with unnatural reset lag?

I am looking at the valuation of an Interest Rate Swap (IRS thereafter) which is pretty much vanilla with one small tweak. Floating leg pays 3 months LIBOR in monthly intervals. To be precise: ...
jakub's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Why is there a convexity adjustment if the payment date differs from Libor end date?

A 3 month LIBOR that fixing at $T$, paying in 3 months does not have a convexity adjustment. However, 3 month LIBOR fixing at $T$, paying in 6 months needs a convexity adjustment. How is this shown ...
user18092319239's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Convexity of an American put option

Is the price of an American put on an underlying without dividend convex with respect to the strike?
Hans's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

Convexity adjustment for a forward swap rate

I recently heard that for a forward swap rate (for example, the fixed rate of a swap that will start in one year and end in five years), I need to do a convexity adjustment in order to get the right ...
heli's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Sharpe Maximization under Quadratic Constraints

When doing Sharpe optimization $$ \max_x \frac{\mu^T x}{\sqrt{x^T Q x}} $$ there is a common trick (section 5.2) used to put the problem in convex form. You add a variable $\kappa$ such that $x = ...
rhaskett's user avatar
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0 answers

OIS curve convexity adjustment

Since, as far as I understand, an Overnight Index Rate is set in arrears, i.e. it is published in the morning after the night to which the rate applies, then I would have thought that we should take ...
Confounded's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Convexity Adjustment of Daily Compounded Swap under Hull-White Model

I am working on a problem that deals OIS daily compounded swap under Hull-White 1-factor model. I am struggling with pricing the floating leg, on a delayed payment date: $E^{T^p}_t[\prod_{i=0}^{n-1} (...
Fail Analysis's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Leveraged ETF pair trade, where's the gamma/convexity?

I'm trying to better understand leveraged etfs, and specifically how they have convexity and volatility decay similar to options. An older post on this site asked a similar question and one of the ...
user49866's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Convexity adjustment when payment if after interest natural term?

I've been working with a convexity adjustment for an interest rate payoff and the next question came to me: The usual problem that gives rise to the convexity adjustment I'm referring to is as ...
Aldo Shumway's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

RFR boostrapping using RFR OIS: Is convexity adjustment technically necessary?

For single-curve RFR bootstrapping, such as a SOFR-based discounting curve bootstrapped strictly using SOFR fixed-float OIS, I am trying to understand if convexity adjustments are technically ...
subnagus's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

20s30s curve convexity

Let’s assume I trade a 20s30s spread on the curve and i’m flat delta (-100k on 20Y swap, 100k on 30y swap dv01). If the market moves, i’m not flat delta anymore. Is there a simple way to estimate the ...
ababoua's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to transform a cubic optimisation problem into a quadratic for portfolio allocation

I have the following cost function for portfolio allocation: $$ w^T\mu-\frac{1}{2}\gamma w^T\Sigma w+\frac{1}{6}\gamma^2 w^TM_3(w\otimes w), $$ which considers also the co-skewness ($M_3$ tensor), $\...
Luigi87's user avatar
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0 votes
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FX options: is convexity usually heavily overpriced?

I have access to daily vol quotes for EURUSD options from 2006 to today. I was playing around with them and constructed a "daily rolled backtest" for various options constructs, like ...
Volwiz's user avatar
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