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Questions tagged [correlation-matrix]

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26 votes
4 answers

How do I adjust a correlation matrix whose elements are generated from different market regimes?

Say I want to calculate a correlation matrix for 50 stocks using 3-year historical daily data. And there are some stocks that were recently listed for one year. This is not technically challenging ...
Branson's user avatar
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One dimensional analog of cleansing a correlation matrix via random matrix theory

The general idea of cleansing a correlation matrix via random matrix theory is to compare its eigenvalues to that of a random one to see which parts of it are beyond normal randomness. These are then ...
vonjd's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How to simulate correlated Geometric brownian motion for n assets?

So I'm trying to simulate currency movements for several currencies with a given correlation matrix. I have the initial price, drift and volatility for each of the separate currencies, and I want to ...
Yashvardhan's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

generating a correlated RV which has the same correlation to existing samples

Suppose I have generated a collection of correlated sequences of samples $(S_i)_{i=1}^{n}$ from random variables $\mathbf{\underline{x}} = x_i$. Let's fix a sequence of reals $(\sigma_i)_{i=0}^{n}$. ...
Djoker's user avatar
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1 answer

Given a correlation martrix, calculate portfolio's correlation with its assets

Find correlation vector like $[ d e f ]$ where d, e and f represent correlation of P(portfolio) with its assets A, B and C respectively. The assets A, B, C can be another portfolio. In order for that,...
user12348's user avatar
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PCA on term structure of interest rates

Interest rate time series seems to be non-stationary whenever test is performed But covariance or correlation matrix is derived from term structure time series which are non stationary and later PCA ...
sigirisetti's user avatar