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Questions tagged [dividends]

A dividend is a payment made by a corporation to its shareholders, usually as a distribution of profits.

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Difference between dividend swap and dividend futures

My understanding has been that a dividend swap, like any other type of swap involves pricing a fixed leg ($A$), with some dividend amount per period as the strike, and a variable leg ($B$) with the ...
user619755's user avatar
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Early exercise with multiple dividends

I am wondering how early exercise conditions work on multiple dividends. Say a stock pays 4 dividends in a year. We are 1 day before the first ex-div date and long an ITM Call and ITM put in an expiry ...
Fphenom's user avatar
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Why do dividend yields converge to zero?

According to the dividend discount model, a stock price is the discounted value of its dividends, where one assumes the dividends grow annually by some rate $g$ and are discounted at $r$, the required ...
JakcieJnr's user avatar
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How do I calculate the implied dividend yield and/or the forward rate for an equity ETF?

I am interested in building an implied volatility surface for a given ETF given a set of option prices for several combinations of (call/put,strike,expiry). I am interested in different ways to arrive ...
quantypythonshow's user avatar
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Prove from Black-Scholes that value of a European call option on an asset that pays continuous dividends less than a call without dividends

Black-Scholes gives us the following formulae for the prices of European calls on an underlying that does or doesn't pay continuous constant dividends (of proportion $D$): $$C^E_D(S_t,t,K,T)=e^{-D(T-t)...
hegash's user avatar
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Calculation of daily dividends from total return index data

I have a question regarding the inclusion of dividend payments in total return indices, but I have no background in finance, so I'm hoping someone here can help me out - any help is highly appreciated!...
user20880144's user avatar
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Rigorous formula for adjusted close price

I'm a mathematician who is new to the stock market, and I'm hoping to shine a rigorous light on a simple example of adjusting close prices for, say, dividends. Let time $t$ represent today. Say that ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Looking for stock splits and dividend history [duplicate]

Looking for stock splits and dividend history, every symbol for the last three years.
NELSON F LAW's user avatar
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Cash Dividend implies skewed (negative) vol smile?

Say we have a stock $S_t$ which pays a cash dividend at $T_D$ of amount $div$. Let us assume rates $r=0$, for simplicity. Then the forward is $F_{T_D} = S_0 - div$, and we can compute the continuous ...
Phil-ZXX's user avatar
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Reinvesting the dividends of a dividend paying stock

Suppose we have a dividend paying stock that has the following dynamics: $$dS_t=S_t((\mu-q)dt+\sigma dW_t)$$ With a continuous dividend yield $q$. What is the portfolio $Y_t$ that results out of ...
Mr. Ivan's user avatar
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Do Dividend Stocks Offer Better Resilience During Market P/E Contraction?

I'm interested in how stocks with higher dividend yields perform during periods of market P/E contraction. Specifically, I've observed that (so far I am working on the models): Market-wide P/E ...
johndonym's user avatar
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Interpreting dividends data from Yahoo Finance

I'm creating a very simple program that calculates the money generated from SPY dividends in a particular period of time. I was able to find the historical data in Yahoo Finance (
Guilherme Campos's user avatar
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Precision issue of dividend adjustment

I'm having an issue with calculation of dividend adjusted prices as I have some mismatches with adjusted prices on other data sources. For example, here is a day when dividend ex_date of IBM happened: ...
chm's user avatar
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Pricing non-vanilla options on EuroStoxx50 dividend futures

Liquid vanilla EuroStoxx50 dividend futures options quoted on Eurex are calls or puts whose expiries are the same as the expiry of the underlying futures contract. Is there any "simple" ...
Olórin's user avatar
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Why do we use the letter $q$ for dividends?

In derivative pricing models, we often use the letter $q$ to designate the dividend yield i.e.: $$\textrm{d}S_t=S_t((\mu-q) \textrm{d}t+\sigma\textrm{d}W_t)$$ for the price process $S$ of the stock. ...
Daneel Olivaw's user avatar
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Why do we need an ex-dividend date? [closed]

Why do we need an ex-dividend date? What is the problem with the ex-dividend date being the same as the payment date? Why are they separate? What problem does having a separate ex-dividend date solve? ...
s5s's user avatar
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Modeling the price of a stock based upon its dividend history

The value of a stock is the present value of all future dividends. This is sometimes called the Gordon Growth model. This model assumes that dividends increase at a constant rate. In the real world ...
Bob's user avatar
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Spot/div correlation for autocalls

I cannot find much litterature on the effect of the spot/div correlation or the shape of the spot/div cross gamma concerning the autocallable structures. In a general way, could someone present an ...
user64747's user avatar
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Upcoming dividends

The yahoo finance package (yfinance) in python is very nice, and for example: msft = yf.ticker('MSFT') msft.dividends Will give ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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Forward on a stock with Dividends

I have seen the question here and have gone through the answer, but I still don't fully understand why the approach below, based on no-arbitrage, yields a different answer. To summarize: At time $t_0$...
Conductor's user avatar
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How should I decide the yield rate when calculate the spx implied volatility?

I am wondering how the industry decides the yield rate for a certain maturity when calculating the implied volatility for the SPX option. Is it just a simple linear interpolation from the two near ...
Tian's user avatar
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Deriving the stochastic process for a dividend-yielding stock (under Black-Scholes assumptions)

In order to derive the Black-Scholes equation for a stock $S(t)$ yielding dividends at the continuous rate $d$ $$ S(t) = S_0 e^{(\mu - d - \frac{\sigma^2}{2})t + \sigma \sqrt{t} N(0,1)} \text{,} $$ M. ...
Giogre's user avatar
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Calendar arbitrage in implied vol grid with discrete and proportional dividends

I have an implied vol discrete grid, obtained from market data. To obtain prices from these implied vols, a dividend model with discrete and proportional dividends is used. How can I verify if there ...
Joanna's user avatar
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CRSP: Return including dividends

Using CRSP data, I tried to compute the historical returns (including dividends) of stocks according to Total Return = (adjprc + (divamt / cumfacpr / facpr)) / prev_adjprc – 1, where divamt is the ...
LisaBinder's user avatar
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From the perspective of a company, when is the right time to start paying dividends?

I am trying to understand geometric Brownian motion as it relates to the present discounted value of future dividend payments. I am supposing that a company has a revenue stream $f(t)$. This is just $...
user60304's user avatar
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GBM - How to make make annualized dividend reflected in one quarter

I want to simulate the price path of a stock for one quarter using geometric Brownian motion. The stock has a continuous dividend yield of 5% based on the annual dividend yield. However, historically ...
Chell's user avatar
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Multi-stage dividend discount model using financial calculator

Instead of the wrote formula approach, this analyst shows that such problems can be decomposed into their cash flows at different points in time, which enables us to use ...
Arash Howaida's user avatar
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How to derive forward price on stock with continuous dividend

Let $F_{t,T}$ be the forward price of a stock $S$ at time $T$ and $t$ be the current time. The stock pays a proportional continuous dividend at a rate of $q$ and the risk-free rate is $r$. How can I ...
BaroqueFreak's user avatar
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how to calculate YTD return including the paid dividends

I am looking for a way to compute YTD return and I found this question (calculate YTD return / find first available datapoint of a year in python), however, it seems that it does not include the paid ...
user2348209's user avatar
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Impact of Discrete and linear dividends on Local Volatility model

I am trying to understand the assumptions and weaknesses of a Dupire Local Volatility model. If dividends are assumed linear, is it a problem for model calibration? If yes, why? Why would large values ...
Joanna's user avatar
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How soon after purchasing a stock are you eligible to collect dividends? [closed]

If comapny x announces dividends will be paid out tomorrow, can I buy 1000 shares today, collect my dividend on the shares, and then sell? Or do you have to hold the stock for a period of time before ...
OrelFligelman's user avatar
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A question about exercise from "Paul Wilmott introduces Quantitative Finance"

I am new on this forum and i have just begun my adventure with finances, so please be patient. I was solving exercises from "Paul Wilmot introduces Quantitative Finance" and i came across ...
mkultra's user avatar
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Publicly traded instrument analogous to a bond with discount rate equal to a stock dividend rate

Suppose we have a stock paying a stochastic dividend at rate $q$ in a zero interest rate environment. Is there a publicly traded (non-over-the-counter, meaning not specially designed for an entity) ...
Hans's user avatar
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Why is dividend discounted stock equal to cash discounted strike?

Doing some BS problem solving and came across this beauty: $$S \cdot \text{exp}\Big(-D(T-t)\Big) \text{exp}\bigg(-\frac{d_{1}^{2}}{2}\bigg) = E \cdot \text{exp}\Big(-r(T-t)\Big) \text{exp}\bigg(-\frac{...
A.L. Verminburger's user avatar
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Asset Pricing and Negative Prices

I am running an asset pricing study. The data is from 1990 to 2020. When the data is adjusted for dividends and splits, stock prices of several firms become negative. How does one handle negative ...
shoonya's user avatar
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Dividend Discount Model for a stock and its derivatives

This might be a bit basic but I've found this question and I'm definitely over-thinking it and now I've just completely confused myself. I'm just looking for some clarification. I've been given the ...
Maximus's user avatar
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Term structure of Equity returns

What is the meaning of term structure of equity returns. I know what term structure of interest rates means, but somehow i cant seem to relate them. Also, how would we measure them? Also in this paper ...
pppp_prs's user avatar
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How much of historic S&P500 gains are from price appreciation vs. dividends?

Several sources suggest 70% or so of Stock Market (S&P 500) gains are from Dividend payments (according to several sources, below) But dividend payments average for the S&P 500 have been about ...
Clay Nichols's user avatar
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Future price in continous time

I am in the following continuous time market: $S_t^0 = rS_t^0dt$ $S_t^1 = (\mu - \delta) S_t^1dt + \sigma S_t^1 dB_t$ where $r, \mu, \delta$ and $\sigma$ are constant values in $\mathbb{R}$. $\delta$...
notSoSure's user avatar
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Are there any APIs to retrieve stock buybacks and dividends to calculate ERP?

I'm in the process of building a Python library to value stocks using a FCF model and one of the first steps is calculating an implied equity premium. I know there a few ways of doing this, but ...
hohner's user avatar
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Put-Call Parity with dividends

In which book will I find the exact proof of put-call parity in the case when asset pays continuous dividend? I need a book to cite this result
Johhn White's user avatar
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Where can I download a list of all stocks traded on NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ that includes dividend and dividend yield information [duplicate]

Looking for a site I can download common stock information that includes dividend information as well as price. I see reference to NASDAQ stock screener but I don't see that information there.
Thomas Ash's user avatar
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Replication (binomial tree)

Hey what is the replication strategy on the binomial tree when I have for example 10 step model and dividend is paid at step 3? I have a well-written price tree but I do not know what the replication ...
Math122's user avatar
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Discrete Dividend GBM process

I'm trying to derive the risk neutral process for a stock with both continuous and discrete dividends. In particular, suppose the forward level process at time, $t$ is given by $F(S_t, t, T) = e^{(r-y)...
Ryan J. Shrott's user avatar
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Seed Values guaranteed convergence of Implied Volatility Calculation

Looking for good seed values for Newton Raphson to guarantee convergence of implied volatility calculation for a few models, all of which are for equities that have divs. 1) Bjerksund-Stensland 2002; ...
JBerstein's user avatar
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Is this the reason why stock prices on the broad average always rise?

According to the so called Dividend Discount Model (DDM), a particular, temporary stock price is the discounted sum of all future dividends resulting from the investment: $$P=\frac{D}{i-g}$$ $P$ is ...
Kutsubato's user avatar
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Do European call options increase in value when dividends are increased? [closed]

Say you have a call option whose current value is $4.73$ and has a $\delta = .43$. Let's say dividend is increased by $.37$. I would expect the option to increase in value by ($.43*.37$) since the ...
Darby Bond's user avatar
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Dividend and Gain process in paper by Brigo, Buescu, Pallavicini and Liu

In the paper Illustrating a problem in the self-financing condition in two 2010-2011 papers on funding, collateral and discounting (2012) (link) from Brigo, Buescu, Pallavicini and Liu, the above ...
CA-Quant's user avatar
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How to find the risk-free rate and dividend rate for S&P 500 index options?

I'm currently working on a project using S&P 500 index options(European) data. I haven't done any empirical experiments before, so I'm confused how to find the corresponding risk-free rate and the ...
Lefair's user avatar
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Why are there no securitized cash dividends?

Some bond coupons are securitized and sold as strip bonds. Why can't stocks be similarly "stripped" to produce securitized dividend strips? Is it merely because there is no demand for such a ...
Flux's user avatar
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