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Questions tagged [interest-rate-swap]

An interest rate swap is a financial derivative where two parties exchange interest payments on a specified notional principal over a set period. One party pays a fixed rate, while the other pays a floating rate tied to a reference rate (e.g., LIBOR). These swaps help manage interest rate risk, hedge against rate fluctuations, and enable speculation on future rate changes.

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1 answer

Bootstrapping zero-rates from AUD swap rates

I have a pay fixed / receive floating interest-rate-swap on the AUD BBSY that I'd like to price for the purposes of accounting. I understand the general process to be as follows (assuming single-...
MikeRand's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Curve Euribor - Euribor 3M

I'm setting up some Euribor 6M and Euribor 3M curves. So far i have all the data and quotes i need, but i'm having trouble defining the firsts points of the curve. I'm currently using 6M Euribor and ...
MattR's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

IR Yield Curve and Fixing Dates

Consider two FRAs. 3x6 , Effective 3 months from now, terminates in 6 months. The floating leg payer pays 3-month LIBOR. Fixing date for LIBOR 40 business days. To price this at par, the fixed leg ...
Amatya's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

how to calculate a cross-currency swap in basis pt?

This question has been bugging me for awhile now and I've been trying to find a definite answer, however, no avail... My question, in specific, relates to the USD/CNH CCS rate. From what I understand ...
user3117403's user avatar
3 votes
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How to compute for basis adjusted forward rate?

To give you a brief background, I'm valuing a fixed-for-float Interest Rate Swap (IRS) using Bloomberg. I put in a notional amount in (USD) and a assigned 6MO USD LIBOR as the reference index for the ...
Carlos F.'s user avatar
3 votes
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Basic question on LIBOR-OIS swap

I'm just starting a pricing class and am a little confused by a statement in a class reading (a fed report). It goes something like this: "A bank borrowing at the 3-month LIBOR rate of 2.10 percent ...
Vol_Smile's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

What is the Swap Curve?

What is the so-called Swap Curve, and how does it relate to the Zero Curve (or spot yield curve)? Does it only refer to a curve of swap rates versus maturities found in the market? Or is it a swap ...
rex's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Pricing an interest rate swap using Eurodollar futures

I see this posted but no answer given. I think it would be a good idea if we have a question on here to illustrate an example of how to price an interest rate swap. So far, I understand that that for ...
rex's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Why are multiple custom curves (swap) built for one desk?

Currently in a journey of learning and getting my hands a bit dirty with Interest Rate Swaps. Why there are multiple customized curves built by many even within one desk? For e.g. Short Rates desk ...
bonCodigo's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Looking for a pricing library supporting Mutli-curve Framework

I am looking for a builder of Yield curves by tenors (O/N, 1M, 3M, 6M, 12M) respect to a given discount curve based on multi-curve framework as described below : Interest-rate Modelling with Multiple ...
Steven Muhr's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

EuroDollar vs FRA

I am not quite clear about this. When people mention Eurodollar are they mean Eurodollar Futures? One of the difference between Eurodollar and Forward Rate Agreement(FRA) is basically difference ...
Jay's user avatar
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1 answer

European Swaptions: does implied volatility of swap rates decreases both with start and tenor?

Does implied volatility of swap rates decreases both with start and tenor? Given a Swaption price and a discount curve I calculate the swap_rate from the curve, then I define implied volatility as ...
jimifiki's user avatar
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29 votes
6 answers

how to derive yield curve from interest rate swap?

According to some textbooks, to derive the yield curve, quote overnight to 1 week: rates from interbank money market deposit, 1 month to 1 year: LIBOR; 1 year to 7 years: Interest Rate Swap; 7 ...
athos's user avatar
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