Questions tagged [market-capitalization]

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2 answers

How to get a Daily Market Cap using Python

I'm looking for a way of getting free historical daily market caps ? I can get todays Market cap from yahoo but need old market caps also.. thanks for the help. ps: I don't have Bloomberg and school ...
Gogo78's user avatar
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How to find an initial equilibrium benchmark portfolio that includes currencies for Black-Litterman model

We're working on a term project to adjust B-L model to yield robust results. From our readings, we resulted in that initial benchmark portfolio is constructed by using market capitalization weight. ...
Ahmet İnal's user avatar
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Why does Alphabet market cap not include both GOOG and GOOGL?

Alphabet's market capitalization is generally listed as the market cap of GOOG, such as in this Wikipedia top companies list. But GOOGL has about the same market cap. Why are they not combined for ...
xan's user avatar
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2 answers

Can the total market cap of a country increase beyond its total wealth?

The total wealth of the USA (2019) is $106 Trillion. [1] The total market capitalization of US companies is $37.6 Trillion. [2] Okay, other countries can invest in US markets more than we invest in ...
doublefelix's user avatar
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Is there an API that can return the current market cap of a publicly-traded company?

I am trying to find an API which will return the current market cap of US stocks for a financial data visualization project, and I haven't had much luck finding anything. Preferably, I'd like to have ...
Zach's user avatar
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Black-Litterman Weights for Intersecting Asset Classes

I'm trying to implement Black-Litterman for an arbitrary selection of assets some of which might be subsets or intersect with others. For example, one portfolio might be US Equities (VTI) A global ...
jtanman's user avatar
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How to calculate the Metropolitan Transportation Authority of New York's market capitalization or fair market value? [closed]

ok, so I can't post more than 1 link since I'm a noobie noob, and in the course of correcting this, Stack managed to delete my post. so here's the more abbreviated, slightly irritated author version… ...
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4 answers

How is it that price to book of a bank can fluctuate so wildly?

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that in 2017, the price to books for European banks fluctuated wildly ranging from well above 2 to well below 0.5. Of course, a British bank doing well ...
Derek Fulton's user avatar
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1 answer

Market Capitalisation Weights for Black-Litterman portfolio

I am implementing the Black Litterman model for a few assets, in particular I am using five ETF: EFA (EAFE stock index: developed markets outside US and Canada) EEM (stocks from Emerging Markets) ...
Matteo's user avatar
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How do 409a's and market caps compare?

I've found that MarketCap is a quick and decent way to evaluate a public company. For private companies, the best I've found is a 409a. It seems like, in many scenarios, both evaluation methods ...
Seph Reed's user avatar
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Downloading time series of market caps (Python)

I know that is possible to download the market capitalisation os stocks using the "pandas_datareader" library: data.get_quote_yahoo. However, this command gives me ...
Matteo's user avatar
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Historical data for total market capitalization

I'm working on a data analytics certificate and need historical data on the total market capitalization for the US for a course project. Can anyone suggest a source?
Christine's user avatar
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What is the most recent measure of the US Municipal Bond Market Size (Capitalization)?

$3.853 trillion in second quarter of 2018 according to Fed. Today?
JorgeT's user avatar
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How can I determine U.S. market capitalization percent using WFE data?

It seems that I should be able to readily compute U.S. market capitalization percentage of global capitalization using data reported from this page at the World Federation of Exchanges. How can I ...
glenviewjeff's user avatar
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Calculating company-level market capitalisations from share quantities and values

I want to calculate company-level market cap values for stock exchanges listed by Bloomberg. I gather this can be calculated as the product of share price and the total of shares in circulation. But ...
geotheory's user avatar
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How do I value a private company's market cap?

How can I estimate a private company's market cap? What records do I need to consider and how would I go about it?
samantha's user avatar
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Is there any way to view historical data on market capitalization?

Is there any way to view historical data on market capitalization? I would like to calculate a market capitalization weighted index with only the top 10 nasdaq stocks (like nasdaq 10). I have tried ...
nokemono's user avatar
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How to correctly calculate the current market cap

I'm having a trouble with the question which may seem very easy at a first sight. Basically, to calculate a market cap we just need to take the current price and multiply it by the number of ...
chm's user avatar
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Large price adjustment for capitalization-weighted index

Assume we are calculating a value-weighted index of a set of stocks that have more or less the same capitalization. However, one of the stocks has substantially larger price than others (although ...
Kreol's user avatar
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Interpretation of rebalance and reconstitute in equity portfolios of different weighting methods

What are the portfolio construction differences between equal-weighted and capitalization-weighted with regard to terms like reconstitution and rebalancing? Reconstitution seems very straightforward. ...
Jason p's user avatar
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How difficult is it for a private company to compute their own market cap?

I've read this question: How do I value a private company's market cap? Assume: "market cap" = outstanding shares * price per share. Right now, I'm trying to outline a license for some software ...
Seph Reed's user avatar
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