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Principal component analysis on a yield curve

When conducting principal component analysis on the yield curve, PC1 = constant (level shift), PC2 = Slope, PC3 = Curvature. How do you interpret PC>3, e.g. PC 4?
One Pablo's user avatar
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Why doesn't the first principal component maximize the standard deviation of returns

I am trying to apply PCA to portfolio of securities. My understanding is that the first principal component can be used to evaluate weights for portfolio of maximum variance and each next principal ...
mfolusiak's user avatar
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Reduced rank / matrix factorisation techniques and their uses in portfolio optimisation?

I am interested in reduced rank / matrix factorisation techniques and their uses across finance and portfolio optimisation. For example, PCA might be used to reduce the number of components you are ...
Chris B's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Interpreting Eigenvalues of Co-variance Matrix

Im working on market reaction to events and I'm using the co-variance matrix to do this. In this paper the author writes It has been known for some time that the largest eigenvalue (λ1) contains ...
MosesA's user avatar
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3 votes
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Weights Blowing up in PCA

I'm using daily settlement data to get yield levels for a couple of products. From this data I am doing PCA on a rolling collection of the yield levels. I have been using sci-kit learn's PCA function, ...
meh's user avatar
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Interpretation of PCs

I have computed PC1 and PC2 wts on future contracts derived from cumulative log differences. How can I use them to get back the theoretical price of each contract using those 2 pcs? Thanks in advance....
Lucy's user avatar
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8 votes
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How to make the final Interpretation of PCA?

I have question regarding final loading of data back to original variables. So for example: I have 10 variable from a,b,c....j using returns for last 300 days i got return matrix of 300 X 10. ...
Add's user avatar
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19 votes
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Why is the first principal component a proxy for the market portfolio, and what other proxies exist?

Let's say that I have a universe of stocks from a certain sector. I want to compute the market portfolio of this sector. Beta is the covariance between each stock and the market. But how do you ...
RockScience's user avatar
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