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Questions tagged [present-value]

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Discount factor to calculate MTM of FX Forward

Forward Contract e.g. Buy GBP Sell DKK Which discount factor should I use? GBP or DKK? Or both? Why? What's the rule? How to calculate the discount factor in the case above but also in general? Should ...
seldonzzz's user avatar
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How do I determine the ideal selling price for a cash flow that rises with inflation?

Let's say I own a parking space. I have two options: I can rent out this parking space for $1,000/month. I am assuming that the rent will keep pace with inflation, which we'll call 2% over the long ...
Vanilla551's user avatar
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Value of the logcontract $Q^T(t,S)$ with payoff $Q(T,S)=-2lnS_T$

Why is the value of the log-contract (Neuberger ,1990) with payoff $Q(T,S) = -2\ln S$ given by $$ Q^T(t,S)=-2e^{-r(T-t)}\left(\ln S + (r-q)(T-t)-\frac{\hat\sigma^2}{2}(T-t)\right) $$ ? It is reported ...
Mr Frog's user avatar
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IFRS 9 - Amortized cost - Daily or Annual EIR

Let's consider a scenario where a bank issued a loan of USD 80,000 at some point in 2022 and expects to receive USD 17,809.33 in interest and the 80k on October 9, 2023. The Effective Interest Rate (...
user70927's user avatar
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Cost of debenture using IRR method

Question: A company issued $10000$, $10\%$ debentures of $\\\$100$ each on 1.4.2020 to be matured on 1.4.2025. Market price of the debenture is $\\\$80$. Tax rate is $35\%$. Then what would be the ...
Hmmmmm's user avatar
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Calculating present value of a bond (understanding a step)

Our professor calculated the present value of a bond with $T=10$ years, $FV=10,000$€, $C=700$€ p.a. and an expected rate of return $r$. He wrote $$\begin{align}PV&=C\cdot\sum_{n=1}^{10}\frac{1}{(1+...
Uhmm's user avatar
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PV different from Dirty Price in QuantLib

As far as I understand, dirty price is the sum of clean price and accrued amount and should be equal to the Present Value (PV) of a bond at a certain yield rate. However, I can't replicate this ...
Oliver Mohr Bonometti's user avatar
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Why are finance costs excluded in capital budgeting? [closed]

I am having trouble understanding why finance costs are excluded while calculating cash flows of a project. My teacher says that the discounting at the required rate already incorporates the effect of ...
Rawol's user avatar
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Understanding Hamilton's formula for present value [closed]

I am a mathematician with almost no knowledge in economy and econometrics trying to read Hamilton's Time series analysis. At the very beginning of the book, Hamilton considers an order-$1$ difference ...
Plop's user avatar
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Closed-form solution for the PV of these cash flows

I've been trying to find a closed-form solution for the following equation, but without any progress. I notice that the cash flows can be separated in: C1,C3,C5... which are 0; C2,C6,C10... negative; ...
Delia's user avatar
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Why is NPV a biased measure?

I was studying return measures such as NPV and IRR from Damodaran's "Applied Corporate Finance" and one thing that he continuously mentioned was that NPV is biased towards projects with ...
Harsh Sharma's user avatar
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Calculate interest

I'm kinda stuck with the following problem. I am given the terms in Month, a net-value, a residual value, and a monthly rate. Now my job is to calculate the interest. Usually I am giving the interest ...
Michael Von Bargen's user avatar
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Discounted-cash-flow-analysis: Is it possible to calculate the the flow of cash given a certain fixed net present value?

Is it possible to calculate the flow of cash in each period given a certain fixed net present value? I would like to be able to apply a certain weighting that can be applied to the cash flows of each ...
babipsylon's user avatar
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Is the $NPV$ always a decreasing function in $r$

I was able to prove that, for positive Cash Flows $f_i$ and any value of $f_0$, the $NPV$ function is decreasing in $r$, hence, for $r_m<r_p=IRR$, then $NPV(r_m)>NPV(r_p)=0$. $$ NPV(r,f_i)=\sum_{...
Brethlosze's user avatar
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How to compute the yield to maturity on a zero-coupon 3 year bond in this case?

Suppose I have the following problem: We have data on three bonds: a one-year zero-coupon bond (bond A), a twoyear zero-coupon bond (bond B), and a three-year bond with an annual coupon equal to 5% ...
Raul Guarini Riva's user avatar
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Exposure At Default: Calculating the present value

In this numerical example, I can't figure out with which numbers (when using the PV formula) to calculate exposure at default (EAD) as shown in the table. The EAD is the value of the discounted future ...
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How is the present value of tax shield of constant and perpetual debt derived? [duplicate]

According to this site, the present value of tax shield of constant and perpetual debt is: corporate tax rate × interest payment ÷ expectd return on debt I understand the part about "corporate ...
Aqqqq's user avatar
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NPV of Future Investment: Two Approaches?

Suppose I expect the return on my investment to follow some upward trend: $R_t = R_0 e^{\mu t}$, where $\mu > 0$. If I wish to compute the present value of these inflows, I would have $$ \int_o^\...
Anthony's user avatar
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Which relation stands between IRR and the cumulative profits?

In the graph below you can see an irregular Cash Flow. The graph is cumulative, on the y axes there are moneys, on the x the dates. In the second graph the IRR (...
Revious's user avatar
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Expected return rate greater than required return rate [closed]

I am a beginner to finance, today I found a question looks very simple that I am not quite sure about it. Question: Given I am paid \$50,000 now, growing at $6\%$ per year for a total of 10 years, ...
TrueWarrior09's user avatar
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Campbell Shiller log linear relation

I am trying to derive the campbell shiller log linear relation, and i got stuck with something (i believe) quite simple. Before we are using the first-order tayler expansion is where i got stuck, ...
mbih's user avatar
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Is this the present value of a short position on an option?

Consider a European put option, whose price at time $0$ is $\Pi_0$. Set: $$\mathcal{L}_0=\Pi_0 - P(0,t_M)\Pi_{t_M}$$ where 0 < $t_M$ and $P(0, t_M)$ is the discount factor from time $0$ to time $...
Strictly_increasing's user avatar
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Valuing Acquisition Target Case Study - DCF and IRR?

Wondering how best to answer a case study I need to do. Case study info as follows: Given Selling company's P&L (3 years actual, 4 years forecast) - closing date on end of year 3 - and a PPT of ...
user44195's user avatar
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Should the NPV be equal to zero in liquid markets? [closed]

My question is actually very simple. I would like to motivate it by bringing the following example: suppose we have a (conventional) bond which generates $CF_1;CF_2;...;CF_n$ cash flow (for ...
sane's user avatar
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NPV and efficient market hypothesis

If I have an opportunity of investment, let's call it investment (A), that costs $I$ in year 0 and gives me $CF_1$ in year 1, I will accept it only if $NPV>0$ $NPV = -I + \dfrac{CF_1}{1+k} > 0$ ...
robertspierre's user avatar
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PV of security with interest-dependent cash flows

I struggle with the following exercise, where the correct answer is supposed to be "no": A riskless security with cash flow $C_1, C_2, \dots, C_n$ has a market price of $\sum_{i=1}^n C_i\,d(i)$. ...
Amaterasu's user avatar
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How would this 10s/20s steepener work

Say I'm interested in a trade that wants to execute a 10s/20s steepener This is done via a receiver leg on the 10s and a payer leg on 20s Look at the following example (the figures are all ...
MinaThuma's user avatar
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How does one calculate the duration of a cash flow

The question reads: A firm has liabilities as follows: £2,910 at time t = 0 and £7,501 at time t = 4 (time is measured in years). On the asset side the firm has two payments, each for £5,000, at time ...
DPJDPJ's user avatar
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Proof that IRR(A) < IRR(A+B) < IRR(B) ? Ie that the IRR of two cashflows together must be within the range of the IRR of the two cashflows?

The question The IRR of two sets of cashflow is not (necessarily) the weighted average of each set of cashflows. E.g. if ...
Pythonista anonymous's user avatar
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Valueing a Short future contract with dividens [closed]

A forward of an underlying paying a yield $q$ can be priced with the equation: Price $= S_0 e^{(r-q)*t}$ or Price $= (S_0-I)e^{rt}$ Where $S_0$ = Spot price, r = interest, q = dividend yield, I = ...
sdgthsfh's user avatar
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Present Value versus. Future Value of an Annuity Due

To determine the present value of an annuity due, 1 is added to the discount factor of the ordinary annuity. However, to determine the future value of an annuity due, 1 is removed from the discount ...
od320's user avatar
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Calibration of stock's intrinsic value under the gordon model

Assume we have the constant growth Gordon model, for a stock paying dividend $D$,Earnings per Share $EPS$, annual growth rate $g=ROE*(1-\frac{D}{EPS})$ and discount rate $r$. Then: $IV=\frac{D*(1+g)}...
alexbougias's user avatar
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MtM of FX Forward

I had a look at pnl calculation of FX forward but it didn't quite match my question. Say $X_{t,\tau}$ is the USDJPY FX Forward Rate as seen at time $t$ for expiry $t+\tau$. So $X_{t}^{spot} := X_{t,0}...
Phil-ZXX's user avatar
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Rate of convergence between price and value

In my experience, there are two primary methods of alpha generation. In both cases, assume we know what price is. Method 1: Inference on what the price/payoff will be. Method 2: Inference on what ...
David Addison's user avatar
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Does the traditional NPV formula of a cashflow double count risk?

Consider a cash flow stream of a single payment (1 period away). Its net present value is typically presented as $$ \text{NPV} = {\text{EV}(\text{Cash Flow}) \over 1 + d} \tag{1} $$ Here $d$ is ...
George's user avatar
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Problems with Money Weighted Rate of Return [closed]

The market value of a small pension fund’s assets was 2.7m on 1 January 2000 and 3.1 m on 31 December 2000. During 2000 the only cash flows were: Bank interest and dividends totalling 125,000 ...
carbonoperator's user avatar
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Bond Fair Value

Im trying to learn bond valuations and working out problems I find online, but I come up with the wrong answer for this one. Im buying a four year coupon bond for 963.54. The coupon is 5.172% paid ...
ARs's user avatar
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Characteristics of a Discount Curve

Does the discount curve used for discounting cash flows have to be a zero coupon, annual compounding, actual by actual day basis curve? In practice, does a curve used for discounting necessarily have ...
Karuna's user avatar
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Question about IRR and early prepayment

Suppose I look at a 36 month loan for \$10,000 at 20%. Thus my payment per month is \$166.67. Thus my IRR should be 20% (on an annualized basis). Now let's suppose I prepay my loan early at the end ...
user1357015's user avatar
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Why is PV(tax shield) calculated using cost of debt capital for discounting?

I understand that (interest payment)×(corporation tax) is the cash flow saving (assumed to go on in perpetuity) and it can be written as (debt)×(cost of debt capital)×(corporation tax). But why is it ...
user27257's user avatar
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How to come up with this present value in this question? [closed]

I'm starting to learn corporate finance on my own and have read about this question: You sell the rights to screen a film on TV once every two years for €0.8m. The film has just been screened. You ...
Samuel P's user avatar
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NPV calculation of past flows [closed]

I have a theoretical question concerning NPV calculation of financial products. I know how to calculate it when future flows have to be estimated, but I am wondering how to calculate past flows. In ...
Olivier's user avatar
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Is there a formula for present value of a growing annuity with yearly payment growth and monthly payments? [closed]

I have seen formulas that have cracked the future value of growing annuity where there are monthly payments and yearly growth rates. But given a future value, is it possible to derive the present ...
Ronak Hindocha's user avatar
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How to compute the yield on the Ultra-Bond Treasury Futures

I am trying to compute the yield on the Ultra-Bond Treasury Futures which is roughly 172.2187. Heres the description of the contract: U.S. Treasury bonds with remaining term to maturity of not ...
Rime's user avatar
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Choice between 2 investments that cost the same but offer different interest and face value [closed]

Assume, you have a choice between two investments that both cost \$1000 each, however investment A pays \$20 a year and \$950 at the end of year 5 but investment B pays \$10 a year and \$1000 at the ...
Student's user avatar
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Cash Flow for Operating Cost, Sheldon Ross Question

In his An Elementary Introduction to Mathematical Finance, 3rd Edition book, pg. 55, Sheldon Ross has a question - A company needs a certain type of machine for the next five years. They ...
BBSysDyn's user avatar
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How to calculate the NPV (Net present Value) in this question? [closed]

A company pays £1,200,000 to purchase a property. The company pays £30,000 at the end of each of the next six months to renovate the property. At the end of the eighth month the company sells the ...
RajSharma's user avatar
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How to calculate interest rate in this problem?

Problem: A loan of £12,000 is issued and is repaid in instalments of £300 at the end of each month for 4 years. Calculate the effective annual rate of interest for this loan. What I tried- But ...
RajSharma's user avatar
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Value of a continuous cash flow until a random time

I am trying to compute the present value of a continuous cash flow that lasts until a random time. The rate of the cash flow is denoted by $c$ and the random time is denoted by $\tau$. Then my claim ...
Calculon's user avatar
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Given cash flows, what is the interest rate of the following contract? [closed]

I am presented with an investment opportunity where I am given #481,000 on day 1. Thereafter, every 10 days, I am required to give back #50,000 every for 100 days (10 * 50000 = 500000). How do I ...
newbie's user avatar
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