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Why these formulas for Bond Total Return Swap valuation are different on handling recovery

I studied some bond total return swap valuation. They are very similar but differ in the handling of loss given default and recovery. I feel confused and have no idea why and what’s the economic ...
Steve Hsieh's user avatar
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How to compare pricing models?

Say there is model A and model B to price vanilla European and American options. Both are calibrated against market prices How to determine what model provides more accurate prices for either ...
Paul's user avatar
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How are "stock dividends" treated in total return swaps?

To be clear, I'm asking about the corporate action that dilutes the share base by awarding stocks to shareholders NOT the corporate action that awards cash. As best I can tell, these are essentially ...
lampishthing's user avatar
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Cross currency Swap Pricing under T- forward measure

Let's assume we are in a frictionless market where the covered interest rate parity exactly holds i.e. \begin{align} F^X(0,T) &=X_0 \frac{P^f(0,T)}{P^d(0,T)} \end{align} where $X_0$ is the FX spot,...
alexfrag's user avatar
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Verifying if a Function is a Radon-Nikodym Derivative for changing the numeraire

I am analyzing the following function within a financial mathematics framework: $$ f(t) = \dfrac{B(S; S) \cdot m(t)}{B(t; S) \cdot m(S)} $$ where: $$ B(t; S) := \mathbb{E}_{t}^{\mathbb{P}} \left[\exp\...
Gab Dam's user avatar
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Understanding Key Rate Durations in a Swap

As I understand, the Cashflows of a Payer-Swap are nothing else than being long a floating-rate bond and short a fixed-rate bond. So, to calculate the Key Rate Durations of the Swap I should be able ...
mindandfields's user avatar
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Modeling Yield Scenarios and Curve Shocks for Bonds

I would like to do the following: Given a basket of bonds I want to generate different yield scenarios at a future time $T$ for the different bonds in my basket. I also want to see how I can shock the ...
missing_name's user avatar
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Target Realized Volatility or Realized Variance in Forecasting

There are many academic paper doing volatility forecasts using realised variance and realised volatility interchangeably -- both targeting the proxy estimation of sum of squared returns (realized ...
Summer_More_More_Tea's user avatar
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Pricing / valuing anticipated repayment date

I am a long time lurker, and frankly not a quant, but have deep respect for those that are. I have found myself in a situation dealing with some features on debt that I am trying to figure out how ...
Curious poster's user avatar
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The end of risk-neutral valuation

Risk-neutral valuation grew out of BS constructing market-neutral portfolios of stocks hedged with options. It was a portfolio management problem. In less than a decade, pricing by arbitrage on a ...
achirikhin's user avatar
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Approximation of an Autocall (trigger 100%) with ATM options prices

thank you very much for trying to answer this question, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone in my situation. I am preparing for an interview, and I've come across these three questions on the ...
Arbitrageously's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to price a buffet or, how to price a subscription? [closed]

I've been thinking about a problem that may not be so specific lately. How do we price a buffet, or how do we price a subscription service? In more detail, let's assume that we are a cosmetics ...
Allonsy Jia's user avatar
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Callable Bond Delta Profile

I am analyzing a callable bond with 10 Years of maturity coupon paid monthly at market rate plus the spread of 25 bps. The bond has an American Call option embedded. The strike price of a bond option ...
Add's user avatar
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Why are random coupons not priced using risk-neutral evaluation?

Assume a fixed coupon bond has a coupon which, randomly, is 5 % or 4 %, each occuring with a 50 % probability. The issuer flips a coin on payment date to decide which it should be. I would value this ...
JakcieJnr's user avatar
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Explicit pythonic building of Flat Forward Curve using Changes assumed from central bank meetings to price FRAs

This question is related to the following questions asked previously, primarily the first: Using QuantLib to build Flat Forward Curve using Changes assumed from central bank meetings to price FRAs ...
Naim Hussain's user avatar
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Confusion About PFE Calculation and XVA Pricing Engine's Exclusive Reliance on Parameter Simulation

Potential Future Exposure (a credit risk metric) is calculated using $$PFE(\tau) = \text{max}\Big(0, \mathcal{P}_{derivative}(\tau) - CVA(\tau)\Big)$$, where $\mathcal{P}$ is the price / fair value / ...
A.L. Verminburger's user avatar
1 vote
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Using QuantLib to build Flat Forward Curve using Changes assumed from central bank meetings to price FRAs

What I am trying to do is price EURIBOR6M FRAs using a curve built in quantlib with changes in rate due to central bank meetings. For concreteness, my goal is to price EURIBOR6M FRAs, say 1x7 FRA, ...
Naim Hussain's user avatar
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Master Thesis about Heston vs. Duan option pricing model

I would like to write my master's thesis on volatility in option pricing. My idea was to compare the stochastic volatility model of Heston 1993 with the GARCH option pricing model of Duan 1995. For ...
Aaron 's user avatar
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Pricing a (general) callable floating rate note

I have a question generalizing this situation: Pricing Callable Floating Rate Note. I want to price a callable floating rate note, where the coupon can also be capped and the reference index can be ...
LoyoL's user avatar
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How to use the parity parameter when pricing third-party warrants with BS?

I attempt a second basic question. Let me know if would have been more suitable for that. Third-party warrants are very similar to call options. One of their main ...
Sylvain Leroux's user avatar
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Is the sign of the delta-gamma approximation error predictable?

I self-study quantitative finance, but I have a hard time connecting the textbook formula with the market reality and available data. I use delta-gamma approximation to estimate the price change of ...
Sylvain Leroux's user avatar
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Survival probability interpolation between two time nodes

In the Open Gamma paper describing the ISDA CDS pricing model, it is mentioned that given the time notes of the credit curve $T^c=\{t_{1}^{c},...,t_{n_{c}}^{c}\}$ and that the survival probability for ...
Whitebeard13's user avatar
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Pricing with log-normal interes rate

The annual rate of return in year $t$, denoted as $1+i_t$, where $i_0$ represents the interest rate from $t=0$ to $t=1$, has a log-normal distribution with an expected value $108\%$ and a standard ...
Miłosz 's user avatar
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trade life cycle of a bond from proposal to settlement

How is the trade life cycle of a bond from proposal to settlement, in terms of who does what at a buy-side firm as a part of this process (e.g. at an Asset Manager, Hedge Fund, etc) different from the ...
capser's user avatar
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MMF/non-MMF share pricing and interest rate

For equities and bonds there are specific models to determine the intrinsic value of stocks/bonds, respectively, mainly following the idea that the stocks/bonds are worth the sum of all of its future ...
salomon's user avatar
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How do you calculate the market value of a bond position?

I got this question in an interview - and I answered it in terms of DVO1 and MTM positions in our Order management system. How would you have answered this question ? ...
capser's user avatar
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Understanding completeness in this simple one-period exercise

Let's consider a one period model (t=0, 1) with one risk-free asset that yields r, and one risky asset. $S_t^j$ will be the value of the asset j=0,1 at time t=0,1, where j=0 is the risk-free asset and ...
Confused Quant's user avatar
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Find the right module for CDI DI BRL swaps valuation Quantlib

I'm trying to find a way to price BRL CDI Swaps with Quantlib but I can't find any solutions so far - so I was wondering if anyone encountered this issue: I don't see any solution on Quantlib. I ...
Gloomy's user avatar
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Quantlib FRA and interpolated rate in Swaps vs BBG valuation

I am building a CZK swap pricer on quantlib, and I am trying to understand my differences with Bloomberg pricing. I believe the way I set up my FRA is wrong, the reason is because even though I match ...
Gloomy's user avatar
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Quantlib - mismatch with BBG Swap

I'm trying to price a CZK swap via Quantlib with BBG data, so far nothing complicated but I can't seem to match the floating leg cashflows, and NPV, when I price my swaps, even if I find the right Par ...
Gloomy's user avatar
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Pricing an option with a certain payoff

Suppose an option with a payoff function $$ \max((1+k)S_1,kS_2) $$ where $S_1, S_2$ are stock prices and $k>0$ is a constant value. To value such an option, one would decompose this payoff function ...
math4biz's user avatar
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Pricing of a non-standard swap contract

Here I have a swap product, where a fixed and floating interest rate will be applied on notional amount. Fixed and floating legs involves 2 currencies, one of them is delivery currency (e.g. USD) and ...
Bogaso's user avatar
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In the context of derivatives pricing, what are Pillars and Marking?

as the title says, I've heard of the terms 'Pillar' and 'Marking' in the context of fitting volatility smiles and derivatives pricing in general and I'm having difficulties finding definitions on ...
user619755's user avatar
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Convexity Adjustment for Average Rate IRS

Suppose that one want to price an Interest Rate Swap with daily averaging, i.e. the floating leg looks like $$Floating~Leg = \sum\limits_{i=1}^N P(T_i)\cdot\frac{\sum_{k=1}^m F(t_k, t_k+\delta)}{m}, ~...
Hasek's user avatar
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Carry for an Interest Rate Swap

I don't get why for calculating the carry of a spot starting swap I need to adjust the difference between the fixed rate and fixing by the Dv01? For example if I receive in a 5y swap and want to ...
Finance_student's user avatar
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Par par asset swap counterparties in practice

In practice is it possible to enter into a par par asset swap where the bond is purchased from counterparty A and the swap element is conducted with counterparty B?
Workinghardtohardlywork's user avatar
2 votes
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Black-Karasinski & Market Price of Risk [closed]

I have implemented the Black-Karasinski model using trinomial trees and calibrated following Brigo (2007) page 29. However, the results do not fit the interest rate curve practiced in the market. As I ...
user3081005's user avatar
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How to price an inflation caplet/floorlet using Bachelier Formula?

I am trying to recalculate the prices of inflation cap in order to calibrate a SABR model. I have this table which gives me the normal volatilities values in % for the different strikes and different ...
EOST's user avatar
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Incorporating the I-Spread and Parallel Shift for Accurate Bond Pricing

I am currently working on pricing bonds and intend to utilize the S490 curve sourced from Bloomberg. This curve is constructed exclusively using swap rates. However, I have encountered challenges when ...
TourEiffel's user avatar
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What are the quantitative models for modelling the SOFR rate, the IR products when Libor rates end [duplicate]

Many year ago, I worked on the pricing of IR products (Floating rate swap, CMS swap, Cap, Floor,...) Libor rates are now replaced by SOFR rate. I would like to know What are the new IR products (...
NN2's user avatar
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Quantlib SOFR swap repricing across 2 different dates

I am trying to price SOFR swaps in two different dates (the same swaps, just different curves and dates) This are my initial parameters: ...
Lucas Triana's user avatar
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Discounted price of an option

If the discounted price of any asset is a martingale under risk neutral measure, why is $E^Q[e^{-rT} (S_T-K)_+ | F_t]$, not merely $e^{-rt} (S_t-K)_+$? This is something I wanted to clarify, since ...
LAC's user avatar
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How to price very short dated options?

I was wondering if there is any industry standard in pricing very short dated options, from say 6h options down to 5 minute options. My thinking is that as time to expiry gets shorter and shorter, the ...
apocalypsis's user avatar
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Options skew: when is a perfect fit desirable?

I'm still troubled by a rather basic question, namely when is a perfect fit to the vanilla skew really necessary? I think if you are trading vanilla options and/or Europeans that can in theory be ...
Frido's user avatar
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pricing in the case where payment currency and collateral currency are different?

I'm asking for the curve construction of the discount curve in the case where payment currency and collateral currency are different. If I refer to BBG, in the case of a USD swap collateralized in EUR,...
SIMO's user avatar
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Python Quant Lib - Bond Pricing ex coupon period [closed]

were wondering If anyone knows how to use rate bonds on Python Quantlib, that have an ex-coupon period. For example the link below shows the construction of such a bond in the c++ quantlib using ...
RD k3's user avatar
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Questions about the replicating portfolio in the binomial model

I'm starting to teach myself quantitative finance and I've got several questions (marked in bold) regarding the replicating portfolio of a security in the binomial model. I'm following, among others, ...
user_12345's user avatar
4 votes
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Calibration of Local or Stochastic Volatility Models to Prices vs Implied Volatilities

As the title suggests, what is the difference between calibrating an option pricing model (say the Heston model) to market option prices instead of computing their implied volatilities using Black-...
KaiSqDist's user avatar
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Basic question/clarification about the LOOP

This is a very basic question/comment regarding the way that the LOOP is stated in the book "Dan Stefanica - A Primer for the Mathematics of Financial Engineering". The proposition goes as ...
user_12345's user avatar
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How to compute Vega in the Heston Model

I am computing European Option Sensitivity as: Delta, Vega and Gamma. I am using Heston Model to simulation spot and the variance. While computing Delta and Gamma, I understand, we need to bump spot ...
Garv's user avatar
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