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Which riskfree rate to use for Maximum Sharpe Ratio Portfolio?

I am conducting out of sample backtests of the MV framework. But how exactly do I derive the Maximum Sharpe Ratio portfolio for this? The standard forumula of the Sharpe Ratio is given by: $$\frac{(...
Dirty Dan's user avatar
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ESG Style Analysis

Hi all and thank you in advance. Do you think that implementing a style analysis on ESG equity portfolios is feasible? When I mean style analysis I refer to the seminal paper of Sharpe (1992) but I ...
wanna_be_quant's user avatar
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Alternative relative performance measure to Sharpe ratio for non-IID return

The Sharpe ratio is often used to compare the relative performance of portfolios despite its IID-assumption for the returns being violated. I can find ample warnings about the consequences of ...
David Newton's user avatar
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Which performance evaluation measure to assess "Connectedness Matrix" based porfolios?

1. Question Which performance evaluation measure would be best to assess the portfolios built on 'connectedness matrix'? The connectedness matrix is the concept introduced in the academic paper "...
Eiffelbear's user avatar
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Another variation of the 'Sharpe ratio' in CVaR-based portfolio optimization?

Question What is the ratio S(p) shown below? Do we have a name for it like 'Sharpe ratio'? The ratio above is introduced in the academic paper Optimal portfolio selection in a Value-at-Risk framework ...
Eiffelbear's user avatar
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Proof that Sharpe ratio of the benchmark is related to the maximal information ratio and Sharpe ratio

I understand the economic logic behind it, that the active portfolio with the highest information ratio will also have the highest Sharpe ratio, but I can't see how $SR_B^2 = SR_P^2 - IR^2 $
user1627466's user avatar