Questions tagged [stochastic-calculus]

A branch of mathematics that operates on stochastic processes.

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Bergomi Volatility Model

I was studying on the Bergomi volatility model(using forward variance represented as $\xi_{t}^{T}$).However I don't understand how the author passes from the sde to the first step by only integrating ...
lays's user avatar
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Deriving Law of Motion by Ito's Lemma

I've been trying to derive the law of motion for the stochastic process above using Ito's Lemma, given Geometric Brownian Motion with it's law of motion shown below: I've managed to take the partial ...
Lachlan Dennis's user avatar
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Weak solution of a SDE

$\text { Consider the } \operatorname{SDE} d X_{t}=\operatorname{sign}\left(X_{t}\right) d t+d B_{t} \text { on } 0 \leq t \leq T, \text { where } \operatorname{sign}(x)=1\\ \text { for } x>0 \text ...
Stochastichelp's user avatar
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Solving SDE Dubins-Schwarz Theorem

$\text{ Let } X_{t}=1+t+B_{t}, \text { and } T=\inf \left\{t: X_{t}=0\right\} . \text { Define } G(t)=\int_{0}^{t \wedge T} \frac{d s}{X_{s}}. $ $\text { Let }\ \tau_{t}=G^{-1}(t) \text { be the ...
codelearner's user avatar
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Changing order of integration on stochastic term in Vasicek [closed]

This question is in relation to the vasicek model, where i am trying to find the solution. I have this term: $-\int_{t}^{T} \sigma \int_{t}^{s} e^{-\kappa(s-u)} d W(u) d s$ I need to change the ...
mbih's user avatar
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Conditional expectation of integral of brownian motion

I am trying to calculate $$\mathbb{E}\biggl[\biggl(\int_s^t W_u du\biggl)^2 \biggl|W_s=x, W_t=y\biggl] $$ where $W$ is a Standard Brownian Motion and $s\leq u \leq t$. Any help or tips would be ...
Emmy's user avatar
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Derivation of option pricing PIDE: Why does the drift need to be zero?

I started studying PIDE methods for option pricing and am struggling to understand or find the necessary theory that shows why the PIDE is obtained by the condition that the drift term has to be zero. ...
Leguan3000's user avatar
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How is the formula of Quadratic Variation of Brownian Motion derived? [closed]

This is a follow up on this question on quant SE: The question mentions for a Brownian motion : $X_t = X_0 + \int_0^t\mu ds + \int_0^t\sigma dW_t $ , the quadratic variation is calculated as $dX_t ...
Jay Mangal's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is it a problem that there are so few stocks in the generalized Black Scholes market? [duplicate]

In the standard Black Scholes market there is only one stock. In the generealized market there can be a finite amount, but my impression is that there are few stocks in the market. The real world ...
user394334's user avatar
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Calculating futures price

Consider a world as follows: $$\frac{dB}{B} = r_tdt$$ $$\frac{dS}{S} = r_tdt - 0.05dW_1 + 0.5dW_2$$ $$dr_t = 0.2 dW_1$$ where $r_0=0$. The Wiener processes $W_1$ and $W_2$ are independent. The price ...
elbarto's user avatar
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Integral of Brownian motion w.r.t. time and integral not starting at zero

I'm new to stochastic calculus and try to calculate (1) mean and (2) variance of $$\int_s^t W_u du$$ where $W_u$ is a Brownian motion. I already found this helpful answer, where it was shown that $\...
Emmy's user avatar
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Justification for substituting "Itô differentials"

I'm reading Shreve's Stochastic Calculus for Finance, Volume II. In it, he uses the stochastic differential notation. For example, he may write $$\mathrm{d}X(t) = \sigma(t)\mathrm{d}W(t)+\alpha(t)\...
user54908's user avatar
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Girsanov transform when drift coefficient is a function of the stock price

I'm working my way through an elementary stochastic calculus textbook. I'm having trouble with one of the questions: Bachelier type stock price dynamics. Let the SDE for stock price $S$ be given by $...
nonseqseq's user avatar
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Hermite polynomials as martingales [closed]

Let $\left\{W_{t}: t \geq 0\right\}$ be a standard B.M. on the filtered probability space $\left(\Omega, \mathcal{F},\left\{\mathcal{F}_{t}\right\}_{t \geq 0}, \mathbb{P}\right)$. Define the Hermite ...
qszbwldxz's user avatar
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Ito calculus is Gaussian (using method of characteristic function)

Let $h$ be a deterministic function and define $X_{t}=\int_{0}^{t} h(s) d W_{s} .$ Show that $$\mathbb{E} \exp \left(i u X_{t}\right)=\exp \left(-\frac{u^{2}}{2} \int_{0}^{t} h^{2}(s) d s\right),$$ ...
qszbwldxz's user avatar
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Mutual variation of Brownian motions

Let $\{W^1\}_{t\geq0}$ and $\{W^2\}_{t\geq0}$ be two Brownian motions with correlation coefficient $\rho \in [0, 1]$, i.e., $\mathbb{E}[(W^1(t)-W^1(s))(W^2(t)-W^2(s))]=\rho(t-s)$ for all $t,s \geq 0$. ...
qszbwldxz's user avatar
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What is the difference between "stochastic" heat equation and just heat equation?

I am trying to understand the difference between the "stochastic" heat equation and the heat equation. Will i be wrong to say the stochastic heat equation is just the heat equationg with the ...
Ratanna's user avatar
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Stochastic optimization and mean field games : textbooks

Which textbooks and online courses would you recommend to learn : stochastic optimization mean field games applied to quantitative finance. My goal would be to read research articles like the ones ...
zestiria's user avatar
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Help on solving a stochastic differential equation

I am trying to solve the following SDE $$dX(t)=rdt+aX(t)dW(t),\ t>0$$ $$X(0)=x$$ where W() is a Wiener process and r,a and x real numbers. I have proceeded by using the integrating factor $$F(t)=...
Martin_Gale's user avatar
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Proving that a stochastic process is a martingale using Ito's Lemma

Assume a Wiener process W and a bounded F-adjusted stochastic process a. Show that the following process is a martingale on F $$X(t)=(\int_{0}^{t}a(s)dW(s))^{2}-\int_{0}^{t}a^{2}(s)ds,\ t\geq0$$ Can ...
Martin_Gale's user avatar
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Query on Lebesgue Measure

I am reading Steven E. Shreve's book, titled "Stochastic Calculus for Finance II". I have a query w.r.t. an example given in the book which is as follows:-
vicky113's user avatar
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Expectation of integral where one of limits of integration is a random variable

Is it correct to write \begin{equation} E_t \int_0^{X_T} f(z) dz = \int_0^\infty \left(\int_0^x f(z) dz \right) p(x)dx \,\,? \end{equation} Here $X_T$ is a positive random variable with density $p(x)...
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Simplifying the expectation of the product of two stochastic integrals

Let $f(t, \omega), g(t, \omega)$ be functions that are independent of the increments of the Brownian motion $w(t, \omega)$ in the future. That is, $f(t, \omega), g(t, \omega)$ are independent of $w(t +...
Joey's user avatar
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Derivative of Stochastic Integral

I am trying to take the derivative of the following stochastic integral, $$d\left(\int g(S_t) dS_t \right),$$ where $dS(t) = \sigma S(t) dW_t$ and $g(.)$ is some (smooth) deterministic function. My ...
chester's user avatar
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Reason for 0 in discounted stock price process

Let's assume $dD_t = rD_tdt$ ($D_t$ is Bond Price) and $dS_t = rS_tdt + σS_tdW_t$ The reference said $dD_tdS_t = 0$ But I don't understand the reason why it is zero. It said, the Bond Price is ...
user13232877's user avatar
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Replicating portfolio in the Heston model

Given the Heston model $$dS_t=\mu S_tdt+\sqrt{\nu_t}S_tdB_{1,t}\\ d\nu_t=k(\theta-\nu_t)dt+\eta\sqrt\nu_tB_{2,t}$$ how should the replicating portfolio $V_t$ for the derivative $F_t$ be composed? I ...
Mr Frog's user avatar
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Milstein Scheme for Jump-Diffusion models

Hey in this report (Approximation of Jump Diffusions in Finance and Economics by Bruti-Liberati and Platen) is described the Milstein formula (3.5) for simulation SDE with jump component. How it is ...
Math122's user avatar
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Simulation of Gamma process (distribution of increments)

The gamma process is a Levy process $X$, where $X_t$ has gamma distribution with parameters $at,b>0$ and density $$f\left(x\right)=\frac{b^{at}}{\Gamma\left(at\right)}x^{at-1}e^{-bx}$$ I want to ...
Math122's user avatar
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Solution to geometric Brownian motion with time dependent volatility and drift?

I am able to compute the general solution of a standard geometric Brownian motion, but I'm struggling to find the general solution for a GBM where volatility and mean depend on time, $$\text{d}S_t = \...
PlatinumMaths's user avatar
10 votes
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Heston stochastic volatility, Girsanov theorem

How can we apply Girsanov's theorem to a stochastic volatility model? In Heston's model the dynamics are given by \begin{align*} dS_t &= \mu S_t dt + \sqrt{v_t}S_t d\widehat{W}^\mathbb{P}_{1,t}, ...
quantmath's user avatar
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A Cauchy Problem: How can I find the following solution?

Suppose that we have the following time-dependent partial differential equation: \begin{equation} \frac{\partial V(t, x)}{\partial t} = \frac{1}{2}\frac{\partial^2 V(t, x)}{\partial x^2} - wxV(t, x), \...
user53249's user avatar
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Is there any method/module/library to directly solve an SDE in python? Especially if it's just geometric brownian motion

Now, I'm given an SDE $$dS_t = 2S_t\,dt + 4 S_t\,dW_t$$ which I need to find the solution of. I have the solution on paper, but I want to know if there's any way I can solve this directly in python. ...
Applesauce44's user avatar
3 votes
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Calculate Ito integral $\int_0^t W_s^2\text dW_s$ from first principles

I am stuck on the 1st equation of the solution where the Wiener process $W_{t_i}^2$ is expanded so that the Itô integral (in terms of infinite sums) looks like the RHS of the first equation of the ...
Soran's user avatar
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Do we model stock prices using non-Markovian processes in continuous setting?

In a continuous setting, is it common to model stock prices using non-Markovian processes ? If so, do you have some examples of models ? Or is Markovianity something "embedded" in the ...
W. Volante's user avatar
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Testing the fit of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process

I would like to check if a time-series follows an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process defined by an SDE: $$dX_t - \lambda (\mu - X_t) dt = \sigma dW_t$$ where $\lambda > 0$ is the mean-reversion ...
MilTom's user avatar
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Why does it hold true that $\theta_{t} d\overline{X}_{t}$ is a local $Q$ martingale if $\overline{X}$ is a local $Q$ martingale

I am learning from Bernt Oksendal's Stochastic Differential Equations and on page 276 Lemma 12.1.6, it is stated that: The existence of an equivalent martingale measure $Q$ on the discounted price ...
MinaThuma's user avatar
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How to take the expectation of an exponential martingale? And an exponential with a random value?

I am reading Shreve's Stochastic Calculus for Finance II. He states on pages 110 and 111 that, $$E[exp(\sigma m-\frac{1}{2}\sigma^2 \tau_m)] = 1$$ $$E[exp(-\frac{1}{2}\sigma^2 \tau_m)] = e^{-\sigma m}$...
cona's user avatar
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Pricing Call Option on Coupon Bond under Vasicek

Consider a the Vascicek model, and let A and B denote the functions such that $P(t,T)=\exp(A(t,T)-B(t,T)r(t))$. We now look at a coupon bond that makes deterministic payments $\alpha_1,...,\alpha_N$ ...
Pedro Gomes's user avatar
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Is $E_t^{Q}(g(Y))=E_t^{Q^Z}(g(Y))$?

Consider $$Z(t)=\left(\frac{S(t)}{H}\right)^p$$where $S$ has a standard Black-scholes Dynamics for a stock, $H$ is a postive constant and $p =1 - \frac{2r}{\sigma^2}$ and a simple claim with a pay-off ...
Pedro Gomes's user avatar
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COS Method and existence of density

Hey in the COS method we use characteristic function of $\ln{S_T}$ to price european options (by recovering density from characteristic function). But how do we know that density exists? For example I ...
Johhn White's user avatar
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Quanto put hedge\ replication with a brownian motion

Consider $d B_{us}(t)=r_{us} B_{us}(t) dt\\dX(t)=X(t)(r_{us}-r_J)dt+X(t)\sigma^T_J dW(t)\\d B_J(t)=r_{J} B_{J}(t) dt\\dS_J(t)=S_J(t)(r_J-\sigma^T_X\sigma_J)dt+S_J(t)\sigma^T_J dW(t)$ where the $\sigma$...
Pedro Gomes's user avatar
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Explicit form for forwards Feynman-Kac formula

This might be a simple question, but I'm having trouble with it. Consider the Cauchy problem with final condition. \begin{equation} \begin{cases} \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}(t,x) + \mathcal{L}u(t,x) ...
Paulo Rocha's user avatar
5 votes
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A stochastic differential equation

Consider the following stochastic differential equation (SDE) $$d X_s= \mu (X_s + b)ds + \sigma X_s d w_s $$ where constants $\mu, \sigma, b > 0$ and initial position $X_0$ are given. If $b=0$, ...
S_R's user avatar
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Pricing of $(S(T_0)-S(T))^+$

Problem: Consider a new derivative that at time $T$ pays $Y =(S(T_0) − S(T))^+$ where $0 < T_0 < T$ is a fixed date. (i) Show that the arbitrage-free of Y at time $t = T_0$ is given by $\pi_{...
Pedro Gomes's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I learn stochastic process & stochastic calculus in two weeks? [closed]

I am going for an interview for a quant job. The interview will focus on my mathematical knowledge about stochastic process & stochastic calculus, and I believe I will definitely be asked to solve ...
Gesine's user avatar
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SDF derivation by a stochastic process

I have a stochastic process to model the stochastic discount factor (SDF) with M: \begin{equation} dM_t = aM_tdt + bM_t d Z_t \end{equation} where, $Z_t$ is a standard brownian motion. How do I show ...
nit hingong's user avatar
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What is the interpretation if the real world measure $\mathbb P$ is equal to the martingale measure $\mathbb Q$

Out of interest, is there anything noteworthy about a market when its real world measure $\mathbb P$ is actually also its martingale measure. In other words the real world measure $\mathbb P$ is equal ...
MinaThuma's user avatar
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Calibrating the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with an additional parameter

Firstly I find the spread between two cointegrated time-series $Y_t$ and $Z_t$ by finding the best slope parameter $\beta$ in the equation $spread_t = Y_t - \beta Z_t$ (via Cointegrated Dickey-Fuller ...
MilTom's user avatar
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What is the difference between the geometric brownian motion and cumulative product of percentage returns?

I wonder why the following code: one using GBM and the other using cumulative product of normally distributed percentage returns slightly different values. ...
David Serero's user avatar
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Summary of Stochastic Derivatives, Integrals, Expectations, and Variances

I wanted to make a summary table of stochastic functions to improve my understanding. Maybe the following should be a wiki page on this site so others can add functions and examples? Does the ...
cona's user avatar
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