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Questions tagged [vega]

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20 votes
2 answers

Gamma Pnl vs Vega Pnl

Why does Gamma Pnl have exposure to realised volatility, but Vega Pnl only has exposure to implied volatility? I am confused as to why gamma pnl is affected (more) by IV and why vega pnl isnt affected ...
Trajan's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Link between Vega and Gamma

"The vega is the integral of the gamma profits ( ie expected gamma rebalancing P/L) over the duration of the option at one volatility minus the same integral at a different volatility......
Trajan's user avatar
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10 votes
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Expectation of Gamma times S$^2$ in Black-Scholes model

Can somebody prove that: $$E[S_t^2 \times \Gamma(t,S_t)] = S_0^2 \times \Gamma(0,S_0)$$ where $S_t$ follows a lognormal process as in the Black-Scholes model, and Gamma is the second derivative $\...
chris's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

American Options relation between greeks

Considering an American option in a Black-Scholes model, is there a relation between Vega and Gamma as it holds in the European case? I am aware an exact relation would be difficult to find. But in ...
Benoit Alessis's user avatar
8 votes
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VIX = Vega of S&P500 options?

ok, so let assume I can predict the daily change in the VIX itself (in points) every day. what would be the best way to play this with OPTIONS? well, obviously VIX options, but if I can look at the ...
orieliyahu's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Vol, Gamma, Vega -- essentially all the same?

When talking to traders I hear this sentence a lot I am a buyer/seller of X where X = {vol, gamma, vega} Is X basically all the same -- they are just saying -- I think implied volatility is cheap or ...
A.L. Verminburger's user avatar
7 votes
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Vega in the Heston model

I'm trying to calculate the hedging quantities of the Heston model. I undestand that the replicating portfolio consist of one option, $V = V(S,v,t)$, $\Delta$ stocks and $\phi$ units of the option to ...
Modvinden's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Gamma-Vega Neutral Portfolio Not Possible with Only 3 Options

Let's say we have sold a call option, x, on a share and we have 2 other call options, y & z, with different strikes and maturities to try and achieve a portfolio that is both Gamma and Vega ...
383930283423's user avatar
6 votes
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Barrier option (autocallable) Vega profile

I have a question about the Vega profile(graph) on an autocallable option. Generally for a regular option, the vega graph looks like a normal (kinda normal) distribution with the vega highest at-the-...
Paul's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Mathematical underpinnings of the square root of time rule

Often when I am reading about options pricing (and/or options greeks) the square root of time continually comes up. What the mathematical justification for why this keeps on turning up?
Trajan's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Is Complete Vega Elimination Possible?

I avoid short selling in my strategies. Losing more than invested is not attractive. But at times the implied volatility is too high, I am worried about buying at all and I am trying to filter the ...
Distraction Arrestor's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

how to calculate vega in stochastic vol?

since vega is defined as option value changes regarding the implied vol parallel shift, how is vega defined or calculated in stochastic vol models since implied vol is not an input there? thank you.
Odyssey's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How do we hedge option vega practically?

Suppose I’m a market maker, and I collect some spread buying an option due the flow I get. In this example, I must always quote. I want to hedge as much of the risk as possible over the lifetime of ...
actinidia's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Does higher vega imply higher IV and vice versa

If an option A has higher vega than option B, does that also mean that A has a higher IV than B? I understand that by definition, a higher vega means that A's price is more sensitive to its IV than B. ...
Victor123's user avatar
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is there an analytical proof that vega-neutral also provides (gamma & theta) neutral?

I've read an answer here that say if your security has vega, then it has gamma and theta. is there an analytical proof that vega-neutral also provides (gamma & theta) neutral?
Tidy Star's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What is vega, really?

Assume for now we are working in a stohastic volatility (SV) setting, $$ dS_r = \sqrt{v_r} S_r dW $$ and $$ dv_r = a(v_r,r)dr + b(v_r,r) dZ $$ with $$ dWdZ = \rho dr $$ Let $C(S_t,v_t,t)$ denote the ...
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Can a long put trade be profitable through Vega even if the underlying moves upwards?

Generally speaking, I know when implied vol increases, option prices increase for calls. However, does the same occur for puts? If I am expecting implied volatility to increase for an option on an ...
jessica's user avatar
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5 votes
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Realizing the same PnL as Gamma Vs Vega

Consider a delta hedged option postion. Futhermore assume that I can perfectly forecast realized volatility over the life of the option. Vol I buy the option at = Implied Vol (IV) Realized volatility ...
SwaptionGamma's user avatar
5 votes
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Greeks of a Basket Option

I want to estimate delta, vega and gamma for a basket option. This option is a European Call option. The underlying is $S=\omega_1 S_1 +\omega_2 S_2$ Where: $S1$ = stock price of asset 1 $S2$ = ...
Separata's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Why do we need to calibrate vega?

I was going through some paid video on options. The tutor in the video asked the following question: Person $A$ has the following portfolio at the start of April Portfolio of options with vega $20,...
advocateofnone's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Vega hedge of a barrier option

I was re-reading Lorenzo Bergomi's paper Smile Dynamics I. On the first page, he makes the point that it is necessary for a model to match the vanilla smile observed in markets in order to incorporate ...
fwd_T's user avatar
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How can I calculate bucket vega using dupire local volatility surface?

I am trying to calculate the bucket vega of the portfolio which includes mainly vanilla options and some exotic options. I am pricing the value of portfolio with fdm by using dupire local volatility ...
cleanjzz's user avatar
4 votes
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How much does a rise in volatility in a short-term option affect a longer-term option

How would a rise in implied volatility on a short-term option affect the implied volatility of another short-term option with the same strike, but with slightly-longer expiry? Assuming that the short-...
Winston Du's user avatar
4 votes
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Is the vega of a portfolio of a long 0.5 delta and short two 0.25 delta calls positive or negative?

More specifically what I am trying to find out is whether the following relationship is always true or not. Same underlying for the calls, assume the most simplistic assumptions (interest rate = ...
mebiles's user avatar
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Why do options market makers make their spread as wide as the corresponding vega?

I've heard that option market makers make their bid ask spread as wide as the vega of the contract they are quoting. If the quoted spread is narrower than the vega of the option it is said that the ...
roz's user avatar
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Is there a simple, intuitive derivation (using Taylor series) of the following approximation to Vega-weighted Implied Volatility?

The approximation is: $$\sigma \approx \frac{\sum V_j\sigma_j}{\sum V_j}$$ Background information from the first answer to this post: "Say that you have a portfolio of options with prices $P_j$. ...
Ice101781's user avatar
4 votes
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Can the vega of ITM call-options be negative when the distribution of the underlyings returns is negatively skewed?

While calculating european call option prices, using the variance-gamma model formula provided by Madan, Carr & Chang (1998), I noticed that, holding all other things constant, the value of an ITM ...
jthg's user avatar
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Spread in Option Quotes

Let's take a look at market-maker's option quote in vol terms: 8.5 / 9.5. In that example bid-ask spread equals 1.0 point of vol. Can anybody clarifying how market-maker choose amount of spread in ...
Andrew's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Vega and Gamma signs

Do vega and gamma always have the same sign (ie both positive or both negative)? Under what circumstances can they have opposite signs?
Trajan's user avatar
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Question about the vega of a stock

In Black-Scholes model with constant parameters, a call and a put with the same characteristics have the same vega: Using call-put ...
Zoro-X's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Calculating Implied ATM Volatility with Vega

Can we calculate Implied ATM volatility with Vega? Normally, Vega is derived from Volatility, but I wonder the availability of the opposite way.
Turtle203's user avatar
3 votes
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Simulation of the Vega in Heston model (for Asian Option)

I'm new here and I hope you guys can help me. I want to calculate/simulate the Vega for my Asian option in the Heston model. The only source I found is the paper of Broadie/Kaya (2004) but they just ...
MS07's user avatar
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how to simplify Inflation year-on-year option to Zero-coupon option

Belgrade 2004 paper basically proposes that inflation year-on-year volatilities (and hence yoy options) are basically the spread vols between the Zero-coupon vols from (t0 to T) minus the zero-coupon ...
Kiann's user avatar
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Vega in a "constant volatility" Black-Scholes world?

A little confused, I consulted the Wilmott forums for guidance on how I can interpret vega/vomma. Another user's post reminded me that the Black-Scholes model assumes that the underlying has constant ...
New Guy's user avatar
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Calculate Gamma and Vega of a portfolio of convertible bonds [closed]

I am being asked to calculate the gamma and vega of an existing portfolio of convertible bonds. does anyone has a documentation of direction that i could use to get going pls? This is a premiere for ...
Rene Chan's user avatar
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CMS cap has more vega exposure than CMS floor for same strike

When I priced a 10y expiry single look CMS30 ATMF CAP, I noticed that the vega exposure is higher than that of the same 10y expiry single look CMS30 ATMF FLOOR. Why is that? I have a suspicion that it ...
Carmen's user avatar
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Spread vol for interest rate spread options in normal environment

Suppose I am long spread option with underlying : rate A - rate B. The vega on the option would be positive. But if I want to compute the option vega with respect to individual rates, can I use the ...
babaji's user avatar
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Usages of variance swap

I’m interested in variance swap. Considered from its feature, variance swap is used for betting the (historical) volatility of underlying asset. If we use it for hedge tool of Vega or Volga, does it ...
user35893's user avatar
3 votes
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Derivation of the Pnl of a Delta Hedged Straddle and Risk Reversal

In the link below, in the text it states the following equations: Delta-hedged straddle P&L = Volatility Risk-premium ×| Straddle Vega | and Delta-hedged risk-reversal P&L: ...
Trajan's user avatar
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2 votes
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Relationship between VIX and Vega

Assuming that all other factors (such as underlying price, strike price, etc.) remain unchanged, I want to see how a spike in VIX would affect the price of the average call option? Assume Vega is ...
statwoman's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Purpose of Vega Hedging

I am trying to understand the principle of vega hedging. When should a market maker vega hedge his position ? Let's suppose that a market maker delta and gamma hedge himself, and carries his position (...
Alexandre's user avatar
2 votes
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If you try to capture short term delta by anticipating moves in the underlying, why would vega pnl be so bad?

Since calls and puts have opposite sign delta, but both are positive vega, it feels like a strategy that buys/sell or sells/buys calls and puts on underlying moves to capture delta should generally ...
Palace Chan's user avatar
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Vega hedging with implied volatility smile

I have a problem with vega hedging. Consider the management of an exotic derivative, such as Barrier option. Typically we do the following tasks: selecting a pricing model, say, a local volatility ...
Jack's user avatar
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2 votes
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Relationship between time decay and gamma

In a paper titled Investing in Volatility published in 1998 by Emanuel Derman, Michael Kamal, Iraj Kani, John McClure, Cyrus Pirasteh, and Joseph Z. Zou, I found the following assertion (on page 9) ...
fwd_T's user avatar
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Calculation Error or High Vega? How to interpret?

I am trying to calculate/interpret Vega. For the example below I get a Vega of ~36.36. I have checked my math multiple times, but would appreciate anyone pointing out any error that I have made. If ...
MonteCarloSims's user avatar
2 votes
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European option Vega with respect to expiry and implied volatility

I was told that the Vega of an European option always increases when its time to expiry increases (all else equal). I found this confusing and potentially wrong, but there doesn't seem to be relevant ...
Yilie Ma's user avatar
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Basel FRTB Vega Sensitivity for Market Risk Capital Standardised Approach

Sorry if this is too simple/obvious a question, but I'm a bit lost looking at the FRTB definition of vega sensitivity for Standardised Approach. Per section 21.25: ...
RomnieEE's user avatar
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Binary Option Valuation With Skew

In searching for methods of valuation of Binary options with skew, I have found two formulas which are at odds. I cannot find any other references to this valuation formula. Should Vega be positive ...
MonteCarloSims's user avatar
2 votes
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Vega of binary option

I'm calculating the greeks for a hypothetical binary option, and I'm getting a symmetrical parabola for the vega's of both put and call options that are OTM, ATM, and ITM. Both of them dip into ...
germany's user avatar
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Model calibration volatility surface

Let's say i have an exotic structure that is to be vega hedged dynamically. I choose to price it with a local volatility (which means the model prices in your future vega hedges using all options for ...
JiLight's user avatar
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