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Choice of prior as a shrinkage target in portfolio construction?

There's various research showing how priors such as the minimum variance portfolio turn out to be a surprisingly effective shrinkage target in portfolio construction. The sell point of these priors ...
Ram Ahluwalia's user avatar
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How to compute the yield on the Ultra-Bond Treasury Futures

I am trying to compute the yield on the Ultra-Bond Treasury Futures which is roughly 172.2187. Heres the description of the contract: U.S. Treasury bonds with remaining term to maturity of not ...
Rime's user avatar
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"Risk" Factor vs Double Sorts

With regards to a cross-sectional asset pricing (stocks) study, I am testing if one variable can explain another. One common approach to do this, is to use the double-sorting portfolio technique (sort ...
Nicolai's user avatar
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How is implied volatility derived?

How to compute Implied Volatility Calculation? The above link shows that there multiple ways to calculate implied volatility. My question is that for most of the common data sources like Bloomberg, ...
qwer's user avatar
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Marginal Risk Contribution Formula

I am trying to understand and implement the standard 'marginal risk contribution' approach to portfolio risk and hoping to reconcile the formulae provided for its calculation in different sources. ...
user31516's user avatar
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Derive vega for Black-Scholes call from this formula?

Is it possible to get the right formula for vega of a call option under the black scholes model from this formula? $$\frac{\partial{C}}{\partial{\sigma}}=\frac{S_0}{\sqrt{2\pi}}{e^\frac{-d_+^2}{2}}(\...
foshizzle's user avatar
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How to understand micro-price (aka, weighted mid-price)?

The definition of micro-price is S = Pa * Vb / (Va + Vb) + Pb * Va / (Va + Vb) where Pa is the ask price, ...
olivia's user avatar
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What research is available on the performance of convertible bond arbitrage models?

The basic principles of convertible bond arbitrage have been clear at least since Thorp and Kassouf (1967). For those who are not familiar, the arbitrage entails purchasing a convertible bond and ...
Tal Fishman's user avatar
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How does order fulfillment proceed with larger orders?

If a large sell order hits many bids from the book, is the order filled at once? Or is it filled one bid at a time with a chance for any new orders to come in between each trade?
Bobbi Bennett's user avatar
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How do you actually solve a stochastic HJB equation in practice?

I've read a number of recent papers on market making. Nearly all of the more recent papers focus on defining the problem in terms of a state and action space, deriving the relevant HJB equations and ...
slader's user avatar
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Excess, Residual and Active Return

in CAPM. What's the difference between these different types of returns? Active return Excess return Residual return
Josh's user avatar
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Option with payoff $K^2/S^2$

Given the dynamics of the risky asset ( with dividend $q$ ), $$ \frac{dS_t}{S_t}=(\mu-q)dt + \sigma dW_t^P $$ Consider a european option with payoff, $$ P_0(S) = \begin{cases} 1, & \text{...
Danny's user avatar
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Discount curve and payment frequency

In case of uncollateralised trades, where we use LIBOR rates for discounting, does the LIBOR tenor have to match with the payment frequency? For example, one of the swap leg pays USD floating amount ...
ssc5338's user avatar
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Where can I find a clear explanation (brief derivation) of N(d1) and N(d2)?

Where can I find a good explanation (perhaps with a brief derivation) of N(d1) and N(d2) from Black-Scholes? Just trying to understand the general idea about these 2 probability functions and how they ...
Denis's user avatar
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Relationship between options open interest and spot price movement

The hypothesis that I am mulling over (and more so, its effect on stock price movement) is the following. Hypothesis: Buyers of options do not hedge (as they don't need to) while sellers usually hedge ...
TryingHardToBecomeAGoodPrSlvr's user avatar
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How can one effectively approximate the fill portion of a limit order in a FIFO order book given it's recent state?

What methods could one use to find the step wise probability of a partial or full fill of an order in the best ask/bid level of a limit order book given the historic best ask and best bid quantities ...
James's user avatar
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Calibrating stochastic volatility model from price history (not option prices)

For stochastic volatility models like Heston, it seems like the standard approach is to calibrate the models from option prices. This seems a bit like a chicken and an egg problem -- wouldn't we ...
EpicAdv's user avatar
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Why do we usually use normal distribution and not Laplace distribution to generate stochastic process?

When working with a stochastic process based on brownian motion, the increments have normal (gaussian) distribution. However, it seems that a Laplace distribution, with density: $$f(t) = \frac{\...
Basj's user avatar
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Mathematical proof of $g = \mu - \frac{\sigma^2}{2}$ relationship between CAGR and average returns

I found in a paper the relation between the CAGR and the arithmetic average of returns to be $$g \sim \mu - \frac{\sigma^2}{2}$$ where g is the geometric average, $\mu$ the arithmetic average and $ ...
emanuele's user avatar
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Why aren't american put options martingales?

I don't understand what's wrong in the following argument. Assume that we have a no-arbitrage market where the following products are traded: a risky asset $S$, a risk-free bond $B$, an American put ...
chalk's user avatar
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Option trading API other than Interactive Brokers

I'm looking for an options broker that provides an execution API. I'd like to ideally test on a papertrading version of it before connecting to a real execution engine. I know IB offers that, but they ...
AnalyticsBuilder's user avatar
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What is a cubature scheme?

Ideally an intuitive explanation with an example, please.
user40's user avatar
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How to trade leveraged ETFs

Leveraged ETFs (LETFs) are known to lose value over time due to the "volatility decay" effect. What're the most common strategies for trading LETFs to take advantage of this volatility effect? Also, ...
T. Reuter's user avatar
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(C++) Monte Carlo pricer for SABR model to test Hagan / Paulot formulas

I'm trying to test the so-called Hagan formula (p.6 of this paper) and the Paulot formula, order 1 only (eq. (43) p.19 of this paper. For this, i'm trying to use both Euler and Milstein scheme ...
loyd.f's user avatar
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Quarterly Survival rate given there is a Quarterly Probability of Default

I am trying to calculate the Quarterly Marginal PD. I have calculated it as given in the below image but I am thinking about whether the Survival rate calculation is making sense or not. The ...
user3762120's user avatar
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Variance of a time integral with respect to a Brownian Motion function

Let process $$I_t = \int_0^t f(s) W_s \,\mathrm d s $$ where $W_s$ is standard Brownian motion. My question are the following: We know that $\mathbb{E} (I_{t})=0$ for all $t$ and $f$ a integrable ...
KACEFMA.'s user avatar
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Determine the carry of a treasury bond futures contract?

Hi fellow financial market enthusiasts. I'm trying to understand my options as a retail investor. I want to leverage a cash bond portfolio but my broker does not allow that, so I want to use futures ...
Yannick's user avatar
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how do I loop through all the stocks with quantmod and ttr?

I just started with quantmod package. If I want to select stocks based on their recent performance, then I need to loop through all the stocks in, say, NYSE. So I need: get all the stock symbols ...
breezeintopl's user avatar
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How to compute the expectation of integral of this random function?

Let $W_t$ be a standard wiener process and $$Y_t=\int_{0}^{t}\frac{W_s}{(1+W_s^2)^2}ds$$ If $W(t_0)=\sqrt{3}$, then how can we compute $\mathbb{E}[Y(t_0)]$? Is $\mathbb{E}[Y(t_0)]=0$?
math's user avatar
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Which volatilities should I use for Quanto Options?

Quanto options pricing formula, as described in this paper is a function of two volatilities: one from the underlying asset and another from the exchange rate. How can I read the "right" volatilies ...
Joanna's user avatar
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Implied Dividend from American Options (in practice)

I just tried to price the implied dividend for a few active, liquid options markets using current prices and I am not convinced my results are accurate. I am using American options, and using the put-...
Jared's user avatar
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3 answers

Deriving the Black-Scholes formula as the expected value on the payout of an option

My question concerns the Black-Scholes formula for the value of a European option, namely \begin{align} C(S_t, t) &= N(d_1)S_t - N(d_2) Ke^{-r(T - t)} \\ d_1 &= \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{T -...
Mike Crumley's user avatar
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Distribution of time integral of Brownian motion squared (where the Brownian motion occurs in square root time)?

Let $I_t = \int_0^t W_{\sqrt{u}}^2du$. What is the distribution of $I$? If I recall correctly, if the Brownian motion were instead $W_u$, then it would be $I_t \sim N\left(\frac{t^2}{2},\frac{t^4}{3}\...
Radon1337's user avatar
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Why gamma and theta have opposite signs?

I saw some textbooks use B-S equation to explain why gamma and theta have opposite signs in most of the cases. For example, John Hull's classic book. The explanation is, first write B-S equation in ...
tcquant's user avatar
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Numéraire -- couldn't understand the wiki explanation

I'm trying to understand Numéraire concept so am reading the wiki page: I couldn't understand the last formula's 2nd equation: $$ E_{Q}\left[\left.\frac{M(0)}{M(T)}\frac{N(T)}{N(0)}\frac{S(T)}{N(T)}\...
athos's user avatar
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Estimating the historical drift and volatility

I want to forecast prices $S(t)$ of some asset based on historical daily values. I want to use the geometric Brownian motion given by an SDE: $$dS=\mu S t + \sigma S dB,$$ where $B$ is a Brownian ...
corey979's user avatar
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Why a calendar spread is a preferred strategy in a low volatility period

What is it about a calendar spreads opposed to other spreads (e.g vertical spread) that makes it such a popular strategy for a period of low implied volatility? Is it that when low volatility turns ...
Victor123's user avatar
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What happens to accrued interest and coupon payment if coupon date is weekend?

Say a 5% bond using 30/360 convention, 2 coupons per year. Last coupon payment was on 2016-04-01. Now 2016-10-01 is weekend and the coupon is paid on 2016-10-03. Is this coupon 2.5 or slightly more ...
jf328's user avatar
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Derivation of the Stochastic Vol PDE

I'm trying to follow the derivation of the stochastic vol pde for an option price - as given in Gatheral (The vol surface), Wilmott on Quant Finance and many other places. As usual one starts off with ...
AUK1939's user avatar
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How to apply quasi-Monte Carlo to path-dependent options?

Following up on my recent question on variance reduction in a Cox-Ingersoll-Ross Monte Carlo simulation, I would like to learn more about using a quasi-random sequence, such as Sobol or Niederreiter, ...
Tal Fishman's user avatar
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Shrinkage Estimator for Newey-West Covariance Matrix

I like to apply the Newey-West covariance estimator for portfolio optmization which is given by $$ \Sigma = \Sigma(0) + \frac12 \left (\Sigma(1) + \Sigma(1)^T \right), $$ where $\Sigma(i)$ is the lag ...
Richi Wa's user avatar
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SKEW and VIX relations?

My question is about the CBOE published index VIX and SKEW. To start with, I consider working on the variance dynamics. I calibrate the market data (such as VIX and VIX futures) into the Heston model....
Zerazeratul's user avatar
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Can the duration of a bond be greater than Time to Maturity

In the case of a vanilla bond I know that the duration will be less than the time to maturity. But I am observing that for a non-vanilla bond, the duration is greater than time to maturity. Can ...
user7432's user avatar
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Uncertain volatility

Recently, I have encountered something called "uncertain volatility". Is it a popular concept in QF? Do practitioners use it nowadays? What are its pros and cons compared to e.g more familiar ...
Michael Mark's user avatar
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Greeks: Why does my Monte Carlo give correct delta but incorrect gamma?

For a vanilla European call, my Monte Carlo method gives the right option price and delta but the wrong gamma. In particular, the value of gamma varies wildly each time I run the method. I estimate ...
zzhengnan's user avatar
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Reference Request: Horse Race for Portfolio Allocation

Probably the most popular horse race study for portfolio strategies is Optimal versus Naive Diversification: How Inefficient Is the 1/N Portfolio Strategy?, with DeMiguel, L. Garlappi and R. Uppal. ...
Stefan Voigt's user avatar
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Can the concept of negative probabilities be used to price a call option?

Edit: I'm a dumbass. The thing below is supposed to be just the motivation of asking. I want to ask for below and in general, hehe. Assume that we have a general one-period market model consisting of ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Architecture of a global pricing library with immutable payoffs

By global pricing library I mean a library handling equity, rate etc, hybrid products having several models (BS, LV, SV, LSV) having several numerical methods (analytic formula, MC, PDE FD/FE) I ...
Olórin's user avatar
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Options On Earthquakes

As a financial innovation, the options market is introducing Options contracts based on California Earthquakes. In your own words, discuss the following: True or False? “The sellers of Options on ...
AS07's user avatar
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How are quants able to verify whether their calculated prices are any good

This question is related to the discussion on Model Validation Criteria However it appeard to be very high level to me and I would like to go more into detail. Not working at a pricing desk the ...
Probilitator's user avatar
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