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Correlation basket equities

One question: when asking for the correlation of a basket, a trader told me 50% whereas I expected him to give me asset pairwise correlations (i.e. the correlation matrix). What does this 50% mean ...
Cedric_W's user avatar
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3 votes
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Why do par-yield shifts grow faster across the curve than spot-rate shifts when looking at key-rates?

Consider the following 10y key-rate shifts of bond par yields and its implied shift of bond spot rates: Assume we have the key-rates for 2y, 5y, 10y and 30y. The y-axis is in basis points, and the x-...
quanty's user avatar
  • 439
4 votes
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Finite Difference method in Matlab for SABR volatility model fails to provide correct option values

Currently, I'm trying to implement a Finite Difference (FD) method in Matlab for my thesis (Quantitative Finance). I implemented the FD method for Black-Scholes already and got correct results. ...
Pim's user avatar
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5 votes
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Comparing historical to implied volatility

As title states, I am trying to compare historical to implied volatility of a stock. I approximate the single implied volatility (30 days forward) of the stock by first finding 2 series that ...
xrdty's user avatar
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2 votes
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Does Weak stationarity imply ergodicity ?

My intuition of ergodicity is the Law of Large Numbers for time series i.e. Given sufficient, data points, their mean and standard deviation would converge to population mean and standard deviation. ...
whisperer's user avatar
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11 votes
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Does numeraire have to be a tradable asset

I thought we create replicating portfolios using underlying and the numeraire i.e. the numeraire has to be a tradable asset (assuming simple binomial model). But I have seen some examples which ...
InnocentR's user avatar
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Cramer-Lundberg: Adjustment coefficient does not exist

The question is about Ruin theory and the Cramer-Lundberg model. I am wondering if there is an example of distribution where the MGF is finite, but the adjustment coefficient does not exist. Can you ...
quant_pandishpan's user avatar
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Calibration of stock's intrinsic value under the gordon model

Assume we have the constant growth Gordon model, for a stock paying dividend $D$,Earnings per Share $EPS$, annual growth rate $g=ROE*(1-\frac{D}{EPS})$ and discount rate $r$. Then: $IV=\frac{D*(1+g)}...
alexbougias's user avatar
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Markowitz w/ riskless asset & CAPM

If risk free rate ($R_0$) is bigger than expected return on minimum variance portfolio ($\bar{\mu}$), so $R_0>\bar{\mu}$. I.e. the tanget portfolio is on the risky inefficient portfolio frontier ...
Ola's user avatar
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10 votes
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How do I convert order book data into OHCL( Open,High,Low,close) format?

The image represents the order book data with columns having following attributes: a0: Best ASK price (i.e. the lowest posted price at which someone is willing to sell an asset) b0: Best BID price (...
Vijay Kumar's user avatar
4 votes
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QuantLib-Python: What is "index = Euribor1Y(term_structure)" doing?

I am currently reading thorugh the QuantLib-Python cookbook to learn about this nice pice of software. On page 141 I encountered a block of code that made me wonder what it is exactly doing. The code ...
Bernd's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Negative variance?

Using the formula w*Cov*t(w) I can generate a negative portfolio variance. What are the implications of a negative variance? Should I just assume it's zero? A negative variance is troublesome ...
rmacey's user avatar
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Negative abnormal stock return and permanent impact

Assume we have a day where stock price falls many standard deviations of the mean (e.g >3) . How could we test, in terms of time-series, if this negative shock is permanent or deminishes in the long ...
alexbougias's user avatar
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Structured product with coupons

What kind of structured product has the following payout?: Guaranteed capital at maturity $T$ It pays a coupon at time $t$ equal to $$C_0\sum_{i=1}^{\infty}\max(S(t)/S(t-1)-1-C_1 i;0)$$ with $C_0,...
Raskolnikov's user avatar
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MtM of FX Forward

I had a look at pnl calculation of FX forward but it didn't quite match my question. Say $X_{t,\tau}$ is the USDJPY FX Forward Rate as seen at time $t$ for expiry $t+\tau$. So $X_{t}^{spot} := X_{t,0}...
Phil-ZXX's user avatar
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Ledoit Wolf shrinkage with constant correlation prior with tawny and Riskporfolios

I am trying to use R to perform the shrinkage of covariance matrix towards constant correlation as defined in 'Honey, I Shrunk the Sample Covariance Matrix'. I see there are two packages where this ...
Ana B.'s user avatar
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4 answers

If equity returns are normally distributed, why are average equity returns not zero [closed]

So I am getting confused between assumption of equity returns normality and why then equity markets in the long term on average go up i.e equity risk premium. Does this not already poke wholes in the ...
annkepan's user avatar
3 votes
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Quantlib - model changes in option value on day of expiry

I'm trying to model option value changes during the progression of the last trading day before expiry. All option pricing Quantlib examples that I've seen work with day-level granularity. I'm ...
llevar's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Portfolio turnover [closed]

Really easy question, but I am having doubts. If you want annual turnover, and you have monthly weights, wouldn't you just do in excel: {=ABS(CurrentMonthsWeights-LastMonthsWeights)*12} for each ...
QFqs's user avatar
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Adding a new strategy to an existing portfolio

I wanted some help in looking for suitable articles/literature. Suppose an investor has a bunch (bouquet?) of quantitative strategies already generating trading signals for him. If he comes up with a ...
Harshit Bisht's user avatar
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Optimal portfolio construction for tactical asset allocation

This is the first time I post question here so if there is anything that does not follow the rule, please bear with me and let me know. I am trying to solve this optimization question but I don't ...
Tho's user avatar
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7 votes
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Measuring alpha (Academia vs the Industry)

During academia, I learned to evaluate the performance of a portfolio by calculating alpha as the following: $\alpha_{i} = (R_{it}-R_{ft})-[\beta_i(R_{BMK_t}-R_{ft})]$ where $\alpha_i$ and $\beta_i$ ...
user28909's user avatar
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Put Call Symmetry

I want to show the Put Call Symmetry without using the explicite Black Scholes formula. In other words I want to show Call(t, x, K, T) = Pull(t, K, x, T) where $S_t = x $ for $t \in [0, T]$. I ...
Tipumba's user avatar
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R: optimize timeseries to minimize "integral"

What I am looking to do is: for a given time-series $P_t$ (which will be constructed from different timeseries itself): $P_t$ = $\beta_1$$I_t^1$+$\beta_2$$I_t^2$+$\beta_3$$I_t^3$ $\qquad$ ($I_t^i$ ...
MaxyD's user avatar
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Pricing fixed coupon bond with ytm in QuantLib python

I'm new to QuantLib and I'm confused about ZeroCurve in YieldTermStructureHandle The start date is Oct 20, 2001. Assuming the ...
Lindsey Jin's user avatar
14 votes
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Deciding how many trades to make

I recently sat a technical interview with a prop trading and market making firm. I didn't pass the interview, and I was wondering about answering one of the questions they asked me. So the ...
IAlreadyHaveAKey's user avatar
1 vote
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Index implied repo gerater than the stock repo

I've observed that the repo rate implied from options on Euro Stoxx 50 is significantly higher than the repo rate implied from options on individual stocks that are constituents of the index. This is ...
will12's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Derivative of Time Value of Money by time [closed]

I'm struggling with a (probably very simple) problem. What i like to do is the following: Lets assume we got a bullet bond (no calls, etc) which is currently trading above par. Under the assumption ...
R. Steigmeier's user avatar
-1 votes
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On the buyside, when people quote a 'price' for a plain vanilla interest rate swap, does it include accrued interest?

The valuation date falls in between coupon payment days on the swap, does the 'price' of a swap understood to include the accrued interest (interest from the previous payment date to the valuation ...
user34468's user avatar
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Does using adjusted closing prices constitute a lookahead bias?

One of my machine learning project involves the use of adjusted close prices (from Yahoo Finance, for better or worse) to determine the label – if a stock's adjusted close price increases by more than ...
lagrange103's user avatar
0 votes
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Using Normal Distribution to forecast active return

I wanted advice on how to go about forecasting active return via a standard normal distribution, The asset is a security with annual volatility of 6%. The benchmark is a 5% annual return with 0% ...
QFqs's user avatar
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Accrued Interest on a bond [closed]

If I were to price a bond on one of its coupon payment days, does that day's coupon payment gets added to the cashflows, if so, do we just discount that by 1 (same day)? ie, C1*df1 + C2*df2 + ... ...
user34462's user avatar
1 vote
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Confused About Ex-Ante vs. Ex-Post Pricing Representation

This is going to be a really simple question, but I am confused by it. The basic pricing formula is $p_t=E^p_t(m_{t+1}X_{t+1})$, where $p$ is the physical measure. We can also say that $R_{t+1}=\frac{...
MathStudent's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the domain of the Black-Scholes operator?

By the Black-Scholes operator I mean the following. $$L_{BS}u(x) = \frac{1}{2}\sigma^2x^2\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2}u(x) + rx\frac{\partial}{\partial x}u(x) - ru(x)$$ Obviously, the domain of $...
Calculon's user avatar
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6 votes
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how are financial data with sparse and asynchronous features imputed in predictive modeling?

I watched a presentation from a large quantitative finance firm that spends a lot of effort around predictive modeling. One of the points the presenter emphasized was that they deal with a lot of ...
pat's user avatar
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Markowitz; risky asset frontier w/o risk free asset

What is the intuition behind the "spanning" result in the following statement? For a fixed pair of distinct frontier portfolios $\phi_p$ and $\phi_q$, any frontier portfolio $\phi$ can be obtained ...
Ola's user avatar
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How does after-hours trading affect the next session prices? [closed]

I just read about after-hours trading (and here ), but remain unclear as to what happens to the price level of the next open session. In other words, Do the prices change during after-market hours? (...
not2qubit's user avatar
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difference between Meucci fully flexible probability and markov regime swtiching models?

What is the difference between A. Meucci's Fully Flexible Probability (FFP) and Markov Regime Switching Models ? They seem very similar to me, FFP based on state variables that define regimes will ...
annkepan's user avatar
2 votes
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Sigma moves - annualize return or no?

This might be a very simple dumb question. But when you look at a security's annualized volatility over a 3 year period, assuming the security has an annualized vol of 5% and the drawdown over three ...
QFqs's user avatar
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5 votes
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Why is the 1 month OIS rate so stable?

I was just playing around with bills prices data from CRSP. It is well known that short term bills rates tend to be lower than corresponding maturity OIS rates this is often attributed to some ...
Moritzplatz's user avatar
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Differential Equation of Type Ricatti as part of Short Rate Model

I currently despair of the following solution of a differiental equation (Ricatti Type) as part of a short rate model: $$ B_t=\frac{1}{2}aB^2+bB-1 $$ First I am "guessing" a particular solution $$ ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Portfolio duration

What is the correct way to calculate duration of a fixed income portfolio with long and short bond positions? And how to calculate portfolio YTM with long and short positions. For long only (or short ...
Umer's user avatar
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Optimal number of simulations for Monte Carlo [duplicate]

I am building a Monte Carlo simulation model for thousands of stocks. I am wondering is there a closed-form formula I can use to determine the optimal or at least minimum number of simulations need to ...
Hui's user avatar
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Does the Ito correction term in GBM result in 'real money', or is it illusory?

There are two ways to think about investment returns and randomness. First is sort of like 'bank interest', with randomness. Suppose we invest 100 units of currency. Suppose each year there is a ...
eSurfsnake's user avatar
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Importing a zero coupon curve to RQuantLib

I am trying to use a zero coupon curve constructed elsewhere to price treasury bonds in RQuantLib. The issue is that DiscountCurve does not take zero coupon yields as inputs, but rather swap rates. I ...
Moritzplatz's user avatar
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Backtesting C++ Algorithms

What software is available for backtesting trading algorithms written in the C++ programming language? I would not like to use an online service such as Quantopian or Quantconnect (they don’t offer C+...
Theodore's user avatar
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6 votes
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Which volatility as input in Black Scholes formula?

I am trying to price an option on an Index using Black Scholes formula. I estimated the daily volatility $\sigma_{day}$. My question is should I use an annual volatility based on the business days of ...
benSlash's user avatar
3 votes
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Corporate Bond Yield Curve

I am an intern in a mutual fund and they have asked me to create in house yield curve for different type bonds in their portfolio I need to know on what basis are different yield curves made. For ...
Dhruv Mahajan's user avatar
2 votes
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Optimal number of nodes for binomial lattice?

Let's suppose one is valuing a Euro call on a ZCB in a Black-Derman-Toy lattice. How many nodes/levels of discretization are optimal? Obviously too many creates computational issues and too few ...
Kch's user avatar
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How do you calculate or estimate the future gross basis of a treasury future?

Gross Basis for treasury futures = clean price - future price* conversion factor Is there a way to estimate the gross basis, say 10 days from now, given that you know what the forward bond price is? ...
TimMS's user avatar
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