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AAPL.O maps to AAPL US Equity (composite) or AAPL UW Equity ( Nasdaq NSM)

thats stright common stock but what about preferred stock ? HWM_p.A maps to EP051790@SAM2 Pf

or Unit trust ? PHGE_u.A maps to PHGE/U UA Equity

or exchanges where Refintiv dont use the exchnage symbol FEDq.L maps to FEDS LI Equity

Futures the comanies have different policies on when to introduce double didgit (decase) Future codes, and different policies on notation for pit electonic combines, am pm sessions

the list goes on

Thats why Magtia remaps every exchange symbol everyday before the exchange opens

Our client cant afford to get a trade wrong

Phil Straszynski
