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9 votes

Caplet "in arrears" pricing formula

Let $P(t, T)$ be the price at time $t$ of a zero-coupon bond with maturity $T$ and unit face value. Consider the pricing of the caplet with payoff $(L(t_1; t_1, t_2)-K)^+$ at time $t_1$, where $0<...
Gordon's user avatar
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5 votes

How to understand wedge?

A ‘wedge’ as understood by interest rate options traders is a structure of the form : long a cap/floor straddle struck ATM for a period of 1 yr starting in N years / short a N year into 1 year ...
dm63's user avatar
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4 votes

Forward starting zero-coupon bonds

$Z(t_0,t_1,t_2)$ is the $t_1$-forward price of the ZC bond with maturity $t_2$, as of $t_0$. We have: $$ Z(t_0,t_1,t_2) = E_{t_0}^{t_1}[Z(t_1,t_2)]\not= Z(t_1,t_2).$$ With a not-trivially stochastic ...
ir7's user avatar
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Where can I find caplet implied volatility data?

VCUB will not show caplet vol but shows cap vol (as one of the inputs). Caplets are a sequential series of interest rate options (that together form the cap). You ...
AKdemy's user avatar
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How to understand wedge?

I have never seen the wedge term in the literature, where do you get it from? Caps and floors are indeed insensitive to correlation, since they are baskets of options (caplets/floorlets), but this is ...
siou0107's user avatar
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Show that the price of a LIBOR rate paid in advance is a linear combination of caplets

Assume that the payoff is $L(T1,T1,T2)=:X$ paid at $T_1$. This is equivalent to paying off $X(1+X)$ at time $T_2$. You can do this because in the risk neutral setting, a certain payment known at ...
Arshdeep's user avatar
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Caplet "in arrears" pricing formula

Case I Let us consider a derivative with a payoff $H(L(T_{f},T_{S},T_{E}))$ which is paid at time $T_{p}$. Note that: $T_{f}$ - LIBOR fixing date; $T_{S}$ - LIBOR start date; $T_{E}$ - LIBOR maturity ...
B_B's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the correct implied volatility to use when valuing an FRA option?

I think it is necessary to be more precise on the terminology here, so my answer will be a bit longer. Firstly, we need to distinguish the FRA, the FRA option and the caplet/floorlet. A FRA basically ...
KevinT's user avatar
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Where can I find caplet implied volatility data?

If you have a Bloomberg terminal, you can lookup vols for different currencies and indexes with the VCUB function, where you can check the raw market input data and ...
David Duarte's user avatar
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QuantLib Python: How to print each caplet/floorlet value, intrinsic value and time value at each fixing date?

The CapFloor class provides some limited information (see the SWIG wrappers). You can call capfloor.optionletsPrice() to get a ...
Luigi Ballabio's user avatar
1 vote

Caplet delta hedging

First, let me give you some answers based on my intuition on how to hedge that sort of position. Hopefully, they'll help a bit. When delta hedging a call on a stock, you take the necessary amount of ...
KT8's user avatar
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What is the correct volatility to use for inverting Black76?

This depends on the currency you're looking at really. If you are pricing a cap/floor on for example EUR or CHF, then using Black is not particularly useful. The reason is because you have both ...
oronimbus's user avatar
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Quantlib error initializing CapFloor C++ Class

Never mind, just found out the issue. The IborLeg class has a method called "withNotionals(Real)" used to set the notional value.
Matteo Campagnoli's user avatar

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