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15 votes

Skew and shadow delta

Basically, the author is saying that the delta of an option, $dC/dS = \frac{\partial C}{\partial S} + \frac{\partial C}{\partial v}\frac{\partial v}{\partial S}$, where the $\frac{\partial C}{\...
dm63's user avatar
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5 votes

Why buy/sell a forward starting option?

It is hard to imagine why a trader would want to buy a forward start option to express a market view, unless there is a one-off event like an election which they don't want to have as part of the live ...
RiskyScientist's user avatar
2 votes

Swaption on Forward-Starting Swap "Replication"?

The way to think about this is an option to enter a basket of two swaps. The basket contains these positions: $P_1$: a long position in a swap that starts at $T_1$ and finishes at $T_3$ $P_2$: a short ...
Marco's user avatar
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1 vote

Question about pricing forward start option with Heston Monte Carlo

They should be the same. Compare against this python code, Mathematical Modeling and Computation in Finance
Lech's user avatar
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1 vote

How to price a forward struck contract today by changing from a $T>T'$ forward measure to $T'$ forward measure at time $t<T'<T$?

The last step (taking everything outside the expectation ) is invalid. The expression $E[\frac{S_{T'}}{P^{T'}_T}]$ is the expectation of the product of 2 random variables. As such, you need a model ...
dm63's user avatar
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