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26 votes

Formula for forward price of bond

Amazingly, there are several different methods for computing bond forward price – the underlying ideas are the same (forward price = spot price - carry), but the computational details differ a bit ...
Helin's user avatar
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13 votes

Convexity Adjustment for Futures

We assume that, under the probability measure $Q$, \begin{align*} dS_t &= S_t\big(r_t dt + \sigma dW_s(t)\big),\\ dr_t &= -k\, r_t dt + \alpha dW_r(t),\tag{1} \end{align*} where $d\langle W_s(...
Gordon's user avatar
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12 votes

Why are FRA/futures convexity adjustments necessary?

This has been posted a few times now, so I will invest the time on a full response. FRA / Futures convexity has nothing to do with profits/losses being immediately recognised on the future through ...
Attack68's user avatar
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8 votes

FX Option pricing on Forward vs. Spot

As long as you price on the outright forward and not on forward points (which is how most forwards are quoted in the market), this is essentially the same coin, looked at from different sides. If you ...
AKdemy's user avatar
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When to Choose FX Swap or Forward

An FX swap exposes the user to a risk that is intrinsic to the interest rate differentials and supply and demand factors of one currency relative to another, but fundamentally there is negligible ...
Attack68's user avatar
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7 votes

How to derive forward price on stock with continuous dividend

When the dividend yield $q$ is constant one can in fact derive a very simple forward formula under no model assumptions on $S_t$ (see (4) below). Only no arbitrage arguments are needed: The forward ...
Kurt G.'s user avatar
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FX forward curve building

I agree with dm63 in that cross-currency swap (CCS) is essential for building FX forward curve. Let me add/correct two things: FX curve < 1 year can be backed out by FX forward contract. CCS is ...
jChoi's user avatar
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FX forward curve building

Your method assumes you can borrow or lend at OIS in both currencies, but in practice you cannot. That's why there is a current basis swap market , where you lend at OIS in one currency versus ...
dm63's user avatar
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6 votes

Price a forward contract on a zero-coupon bond

Another way to obtain this result is, as I mentioned in the comment, to think about how you would replicate the forward contract. It has the following cash-flow structure: ...
LocalVolatility's user avatar
6 votes

Principal Components Analysis on overlapping contracts

I would do as follows: A) First do PCA on an arbitrage-free monthly curve (assuming the most granular contract you will use is individual months). To ensure no arbitrages, you will need to drop out ...
ZRH's user avatar
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FX Forward rate agreement valuation in quantlib

You are not giving the constructor a discountCurve. The constructor is: ...
David Duarte's user avatar
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what is the difference between an NDF and a FX Forward contract

Example of physical delivery FX forward: In 1 month (maturity date or settlement date), I pay you USD 1 milion and receive from you EUR 1.2 million. You can either specify both notionals in pay and ...
Dimitri Vulis's user avatar
6 votes

How does a stock becoming hard to borrow affect puts and calls?

As you described, buying a put and selling a call in the hard to borrow stock, you have created a synthetic short future. Like other equity finance positions, the "difficulty to borrow the stock&...
AlRacoon's user avatar
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5 votes

Stochastic Interest rate spot forward relationship

The forward price $K$, determined at time $t$, is the amount such that the payoff at time $T$ is $S_T-K$, while the value at time $t$ is zero. That is, \begin{align*} B_t E\left(\frac{S_T-K}{B_T}\...
Gordon's user avatar
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5 votes

Relationship between forward and option prices

At the heart of the (relative) pricing theory is the concept of no arbitrage and replication. I'll focus on equities here because as stated in the comments it may be more complicated for commodities. ...
Quantuple's user avatar
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5 votes

Mark to market forward contract

There are two types of contract (a) a forward contract and (b) a futures contract. In (a) there is no payment of margin on a daily basis. Its value is $(F_1-F_0)e^{-r(T-t)}$ as you describe. In (b) ...
dm63's user avatar
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5 votes

Pricing of forwards contracts

Decompose the first formula as $F_0=(S_0 - S_0(1-e^{-dT}))e^{rT}$ then let $PV_{I} = S_0(1-e^{-dT})$ which represents the present value of dividends (dividend rate = $d$) paid on the security during ...
Antoine Conze's user avatar
5 votes

Why has cross currency basis become higher since the 2008 crisis?

When you look at EUR/USD Cross Currency basis historical chart, you will notice that it was very similar in magnitude before 2008 to what it is now: in other words, there has always been some cross-...
Jan Stuller's user avatar
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5 votes

Curve Trades - Forward Swap vs Swap(Payer and Receiver)

Option 1 is not a steepener trade. It is an outright bearish trade that the 5y5y forward rate will move upwards. Option 2 is a steepener trade, if the dv01 is equal on the 5yr and 10yr legs. ...
dm63's user avatar
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5 votes

Trying to check this 1Y1Y forward treasuries calculation

I pulled up the Bloomberg page you referenced in your question. The rates you are referencing are not zero rates but yields on the coupon note/bond that are used to construct the curve. Toggle the ...
AlRacoon's user avatar
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How to calculate FX Forward Rate to fit bloomberg

I'm just going to expand on AKdemy's comment. I don't have enough cred to comment (need 50). As he said they'll never match due to being two fundamentally different sources. But assuming we do this ...
LongTimeLurker's user avatar
4 votes

Cross Currency Swap pricing

You are correct; methods 1) and 2) will give you the same result but keeping two things in mind: A) You need to make sure your FX forwards and xccy basis swaps are priced under the same collateral ...
Marcino's user avatar
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T-Forward measure

I think your statement has a typo. I can't find the statement you made in the article you cite. The forward measure is the measure induced by using a bond as the numeraire instead of the risk free ...
user9403's user avatar
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Some questions on (re-)pricing a forward

Assuming zero dividend and a constant interest rate $r$, the 1y forward price is then \begin{align*} 120 = K = S_0 e^r = 100\, e^r. \end{align*} Consequently, $e^r = 1.2$. The fair value of the ...
Gordon's user avatar
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4 votes

Properly interpreting LIBOR curves?

Interest rate derivative trading relies on curves. The LIBOR rate, be it 1month, 3month, 6month etc is published and determined every day but derivative contracts continue to speculate on what futures ...
Attack68's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the instantaneous FX rate and used for a FX Forward?

If EURUSD Spot is currently trading at 1.21, then trading today for the usual settlement of EURUSD on today+2 would be at 1.21. If you wanted to trade for immediate exchange of EURUSD, what would be ...
Phil H's user avatar
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Constructing an FX forward curve

Interest rate parity is not sufficient now There is a cross currency basis between the IRP result and observed market prices, because essentially Libor does not represent the cost of funding; in ...
Phil H's user avatar
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Eurodollar future vs Eurodollar forward contracts

I guess the author's argument is that, because of the frequent settlements, one needs to invest the mark-to-market gains and fund the losses. As the exchange traded futures contract is negatively ...
ir7's user avatar
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Why are some metals in contango (inverted) forward curve and some in backwardation (normal) forward curve?

There could be any number of explanations for copper to be backwardated and aluminum to be in contango right now. The simplest (and most correct) explanation is the most vague: that these futures ...
kurtosis's user avatar
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forward contract on a defaultable zero-coupon bond

Based on notations in this question, assuming the market value recovery mechanism, the pre-default value at time $T_1$ of a zero-coupon bond with maturity $T_2$, where $T_1 < T_2$, is given by \...
Gordon's user avatar
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