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6 votes

Recommendations for a text on game theory in the context of market making?

This book sounds like exactly what you want: Gaming the Market: Applying Game Theory to Create Winning Trading Strategies by Ronald Shelton. It is written from a traders' point of view rather than a ...
Dimitri Vulis's user avatar
4 votes

Limit order book modeling based on computational statistics

They are different trends of research agent based models, and you are right: Michael is a pioneer point process based models, and I would say that Frederic's book is a reference: Limit Order Books. ...
lehalle's user avatar
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3 votes

Gaming strategy for "closest number" game

First try to work out the case with 2 players, for that case figure out what Player B does given player A's choice. Given this you can determine the optimal choice for A, that is the choice that ...
Bob Jansen's user avatar
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3 votes

Game theoretic description of stock market

You should have a look at Mean Field Games (MFG). Mean Field Game theory studies optimal control problems with infinitely many interacting agents. The solution of the problem is an equilibrium ...
lehalle's user avatar
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2 votes

Reference material (EV/ betting game questions) for Quant Hedge Funds Interviews

Here is a list of books I have and like: Pretty much every puzzle style question I got in any interviews I'd seen before, essentially from reading books like these. puzzlegrams, pentagram Simpler ...
will's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a relationship between Risk Neutral Pricing framework and Nash Equilibria?

Risk-Neutral Pricing as a Game-Theoretic Equilibrium The risk-neutral pricing framework from the Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing can be interpreted using game theory, where market participants ...
quant_son's user avatar
2 votes

Game theory and stochastic calculus

The field you have in mind is covered with differential game theory, and it game birth to Mean Field Games (MFG), the book posted in a comment is certainly the reference: Probabilistic Theory of Mean ...
lehalle's user avatar
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2 votes

How can a top-of-the book market maker protect itself from exploiting?

In general, having an algorithm's logic based on "best bid" and "best ask" is not robust to manipulation. In general it is better to reason in term of "distance to the ...
lehalle's user avatar
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1 vote

How would the following be priced?

If you considered: 2 counterparties and 1 round, payout 95% In this case, each counterparty has one token and could either buy the token from the other, or sell their token, or do nothing. All the ...
Attack68's user avatar
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1 vote

Limit order book modeling based on computational statistics

I guess I could give you a far from complete, but good start of researchers who've tried using ML/CS in LOB modeling: Alvaro Cartea, Marcos Lopez de Prado, Sebastian Jaimungal, Dieter Hendricks, Brian ...
pSrIoGcNeAsLs - bye stackGPT's user avatar

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