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5 votes

Simulating from a multivariate clayton copula

Since I think this is of interest for other people, I will post the approach I found: First, let $C_n(u_1,\ldots,u_n)$ be a $n$ - dimensional Clayton copula with generator function $F$ and inverse $F^{...
simzoor's user avatar
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3 votes

How to include heteroscedasticity in copula modelling

I don't know if this will help solve your convergence issue, but a standard way of incorporating conditional heteroskedasticity in copula models is to build a copula-GARCH model. Each time series is ...
Richard Hardy's user avatar
3 votes

Multivariate GARCH in Python

I recently met the same problem and found a way to achieve it using R in Python. ...
Bowen Cao's user avatar
3 votes

Generally how to simulate bivariate (or multidimensional) BM sample paths?

For the two-dimensional case, the Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix \begin{equation} \Sigma = \left( \begin{array}{c c} \sigma_1^2 & \rho \sigma_1 \sigma_2\\ \rho \sigma_1 \sigma_2 &...
LocalVolatility's user avatar
2 votes

Rare Events in Normal Multivariate distributions

If you’re comfortable making the assumption of multivariate normality (I’m not sure that you are), then this seems like a perfect place to use Mahalanobis distance. One of the first facts that ...
Dave's user avatar
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Simulating from a multivariate clayton copula

Clayton Copula-Matlab Code ...
Frankova T's user avatar
2 votes

How to compute a single Value-at-Risk (a single quantile) of portfolio returns taking into account correlation between individual returns?

With a multivariate normal model, the portfolio has a univariate normal distribution (mean and variance are easy), so it reduces to a scaled univariate quantile.
userid is i's user avatar
2 votes

Quasi Random Monte Carlo in m.v. portfolio optimization

...this technique works only when returns are generated from normal distributions? Yes and no. Multiplying them by $C$ will produce the correlation that you wanted, but it won't preserve the ...
oliversm's user avatar
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IIRC, the signs of the PC are meaningless. +/-'ive doesn't itself tell you anything. Rather, the cross-sectional, absolute max of the PCs will tell you which one is most important per item (eg: PC6 ...
jason m's user avatar
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2 votes

Multivariate MC: what am I doing wrong?

Based on Quantuple comments (thank you), I fixed many mistakes and I came up with the following code: ...
akasolace's user avatar
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How to hedge a dual digital option

Dispersion trading is a way to mitigate correlation risk. The book "Foreign Exchange Option Pricing A Practitioners Guide" (Chapter 10 Multicurrency Options) introduces an analysis framework....
Chiu-Tzu-Hsuan's user avatar
1 vote

Multivariable objective function optimization similar to optimx in R

Just because others may experience the same problem, here is a short answer to this problem: To optimize a multi-variate problem with optimx (i.e. more than one parameter is optimized) you can create ...
JKupzig's user avatar
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Multiple Indices for CAPM model

It's not clear what you're trying to accomplish by applying CAPM, or it that a goal in itself? For example, you could, for each stock in your universe, calculate the historical $\rho$ to each of the ...
Dimitri Vulis's user avatar
1 vote

Why is Banque de France using BVAR with different orders of integration?

So I asked on reddit, and got this answer from Rasseren : The integration order of the endogenous variables is most often used to ensure reasonable stability (all eigenvalues of the companion form <...
Jur's user avatar
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Align volume bars for multivariate analysis

It's not about timestamps. You just need to assign the same meaning to each bar. Choose a fixed percentage of daily volume each bar should represent. Then for each individual day, compute the bar ...
chrisaycock's user avatar
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Manually calculating and backtesting VaR and CVaR from DCC-GARCH R

Apparently, the VaR arguments are simply ignored by the function. If you try running something absurd, such as specifying that calculate.VaR = 'banana', the function still runs. The object has the ...
Tamir Einhorn Salem's user avatar
1 vote

Cega - Correlation Delta from multi-asset derivative

Since the correlation matrix is symetric, if you move the term (i,j), you have to do it for the term (j,i) as well Of course -> the correlation of an asset with itself is equal to 1... so it should ...
Appel Moi Dougy's user avatar
1 vote

How to do QE scheme for n correlated assets?

I am not familiar with the QE scheme, but I think your question is more general: You want to do a multi-variate diffusion, for $n$ correlated processes. You have your instantaneous correlations ...
byouness's user avatar
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Quanto basket payoff

You should have a correlation matrix with the following 5 parameters: 1. SPX price. 2. SPX variance. 3. SX5E price. 4. SX5E variance. 5. FX rate. You can even consider that FX rate is not ...'s user avatar
1 vote

Forecasting default rates using a macroeconomic model

I guess more than multicolinearity you are running into the issue of identification. What are you exactly identifying with such a regression? You somehow need to instrument for defaults. Although your ...
phdstudent's user avatar
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Understand the white noise condition in Vector Autoregression

I think the mistake is how to define $\ Y_t$. It is supposed to contain endogenous and exogenous variables. Hence, the multivariate white noise in the VAR analysis should full fill the following ...
Nord1's user avatar
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Fit Simple VAR model in Matlab

I suggest you to organize you explanatory variables in different matrix and then use the mvregress(...) command, that allows you to handle well the results. I ...
Dave92's user avatar
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Multivariate normal when Cholesky decomp fails on Sigma

You need to adjust your correlation matrix such that it becomes positive definite. There is an R routine that will do this for you - link. Or, if you want to do it yourself, i believe the general ...
will's user avatar
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Multivariate GARCH in Python

mgarch is a python package for predicting volatility of daily returns in financial markets. DCC-GARCH(1,1) for multivariate normal and student t. distribution.
Faisal Nawaz's user avatar

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