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9 votes

How to get set the theta function in the Hull-White model to replicate the current yield curve

Concerning your first question, this depends on what curve, currency, etc. you are interested in. The general method for constructing yield curves is called bootstrapping which allows you to derive ...
Daneel Olivaw's user avatar
9 votes

What is the purpose of short rate models?

Short rate models were first used in the 1970s and 1980s to try to fit and explain the term structure of interest rates - they went beyond simple parametric shapes (polynomials and exponential forms). ...
Dom's user avatar
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8 votes

Why isn't the Vasicek model arbitrage-free?

Short rate models are broadly divided into equilibrium models and no-arbitrage models. The models from Vasicek, Dothan and Cox, Ingersoll and Ross are examples of equilibrium short rate models. The ...
Kevin's user avatar
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7 votes

Differences between main classes of interest pricing derivatives models

I am not sure if you can classify it like that. Mind you, I never wrote a book. I'll write what I know below and you can decide if the classification makes sense or not. 1 ) STIR: as the term ...
AKdemy's user avatar
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Problem with pricing a call option using the Monte Carlo Vasicek model

To make sure that I understand the problem: you are trying to price a call option expiring at time 0.5, which will exercise into a unit notional zero-coupon bond with a maturity of 1.0 at a strike (...
mmencke's user avatar
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6 votes

QuantLib Gsr model

the model is described in Andersen, Piterbarg: Interest Rate Modeling. The formulas that are acutally implemented are derived here Best Peter
Peter Caspers's user avatar
5 votes

Ho Lee model in Baxter&Rennie

Here we provide another answer using Ito's calculus. It appears involved, but it also has its own interest. Given the short rate dynamics \begin{align*} dr_t = \nu(r_t, t) dt + \rho(r_t, t) dW_t, \...
Gordon's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the purpose of short rate models?

I might get down-voted for this, but in my opinion, short-rate models are not very useful for any practical pricing problems in today's finance. Even for simple vanilla rate derivatives (i.e. Caplet ...
Jan Stuller's user avatar
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5 votes

why $f(t,u) \neq E_t^Q [r(u)]$ when $r$ is random?

Your equations are flawed. Also there is no expectation if the process $\{r_s\}$ is deterministic. The correct reasoning is, assuming $\{r_s\}$ is stochastic: $$ f(t,u)=-\frac{d}{du}\ln P(t,u)=-\...
Antoine Conze's user avatar
4 votes

Differences between main classes of interest pricing derivatives models

Just an addendum to the above answers and comments: The main decision is whether to use single or multiple factor dynamics. LMM models term forward rates. HJM models instantaneous forward rates. The ...
ir7's user avatar
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3 votes

Deriving interest rate term structure in a short rate model

This is indeed a standard result. You can convince yourself by noticing The bank account grows from 1 at $t=\tau$ to $E\left[\exp(\int_\tau^T r(u)du)|\mathscr{F}_\tau\right]$ at time $T$ The price of ...
g g's user avatar
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Short rate models

The main thing we want is the $P(t,T)$ function. In the short rate model, we model the system as an instantaneous short rate variable which evolves stochastically. Different models assign different ...
Phil H's user avatar
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Bond dynamics in Ho Lee model

When taking the partial derivative $\frac{\partial}{\partial t}$ in a conditional expectation, not only the parameter $t$ within the expectation needs to be considered, the information set $\mathscr{F}...
Gordon's user avatar
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3 votes

Vasicek model: joint simulation with discount factor

Although it's been a long time this question has been asked, I'd like to propose an answer in case someone was looking for the same thing. First, I think there's a confusion between $P(t,T)$ and $DF(t,...
Aguelmame's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the purpose of short rate models?

Long story short, the main reason of a short rate model is to provide an analytical solution for the zero coupon bond $P(t, T)$, given by the following expectation: $$ P(t, T) = E_t^Q \left[ \exp \...
rvignolo's user avatar
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Why is logarithmic mean equal to the arithmetic expectation less one-half its variance?

So i'm kinda guessing what you really mean by the logarithmic mean - i'm guessing you mean the logarithmic average of returns - where you mean geometric average. $$ \left( \prod_{i=0}^n a_i \right)^{\...
will's user avatar
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3 votes

Variance of the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross short rate

The independence assumption is not needed. In fact, based on Ito's isometry and the Fubini theorem, \begin{align*} Var(r_t) &= E\left((r_t-E(r_t))^2 \right)\\ &=\sigma^2 e^{-2\beta t} E\left(\...
Gordon's user avatar
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3 votes

Negative Libor Simulation

Yes, LIBOR rates can be simulated using short rate models. Or rather, Libor rates can be obtained from simulated short rate values. Usually, you have formulas giving you the zero-coupon bond price as ...
byouness's user avatar
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How to determine components of Affine Term Structure for an Ohrnstein-Uhlenbeck process?

Let $\mathrm{d}r_t=\mu(t,r_t)\mathrm{d}t+\sigma(t,r_t)\mathrm{d}W_t$ be a model for the short rate under the risk-neutral measure $\mathbb{Q}$. Starting from the bond PDE \begin{align*} P_t + \mu(t,r) ...
Kevin's user avatar
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3 votes

Hull-White model: match between HJM framework and short model formulation

Note that \begin{align*} f(t, T) = f(0, T) + \int_0^t\alpha(u,T)du+\int_0^t\sigma e^{-a(T-u)}dW_u, \end{align*} where, based on this question, \begin{align*} f(0, T) = \int_0^T \theta(u) e^{-a(T-u)} ...
Gordon's user avatar
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3 votes

Current discount rate of Hull White One-Factor Monte Carlo Simulation

The average of simulated discount factors from the Hull-White model and market discount factor are the same in theory but very similar in the simulation due to numerical error. I draw one figure ...
sh lee's user avatar
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3 votes

What is gsr model for short term interest rate

GSR stands for Gaussian Short Rate model. It describes the short rate $r(t)$ dynamics under the Risk Neutral measure as: $$ dr(t) = \kappa(t) \cdot (\theta(t) - r(t)) \cdot dt + \sigma(t) \cdot dW(t). ...
rvignolo's user avatar
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QuantLib - Calibrating Hull White one-factor on negative interest rates

When building a SwaptionHelper, you have to tell QuantLib what kind of volatility you are inputting. There are three options: Black Vol, Shifted Black Vol and Normal Vol. Since you don't have black ...
David Duarte's user avatar
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3 votes

Affine Structure Resolution for the Vasicek model

We begin with the equation $1+B_t(t,T)-kB(t,T) = 0 \quad(1)$ \begin{align} (1) & \iff e^{-kt}+e^{-kt}B_t(t,T)+(-k)e^{-kt}B(t,T) = 0 \\ & \iff e^{-kt}+ \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\left(e^{-kt}B(...
NN2's user avatar
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Calibration of Heston model with stochastic short rate

If we take your model literally (with the correction that I suggested as a comment), then there exists no (semi-)closed form, IMHO, that you can use for asset pricing. What you could do is then to ...
Kermittfrog's user avatar
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Why should future short rates tend towards the current term structure of interest rates?

It really depends for what purpose you are using the model. Let’s say you are using it for valuation of some instrument. If you want the fair market value, then a) is irrelevant and you would instead ...
dm63's user avatar
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what's the difference between instantaneous short rate and instantaneous forward rate?

In more standard notation the instantaneous forward rate is written as $f(t,T)$, that is, the continuously compounded interest rate seen at $t$ for the infinitesimal interest period $[T,T+dt]\,.$ ...
Kurt G.'s user avatar
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Difference HJM Framework versus Short rate model

Most principal component analyses (PCAs) on historical data of yield curves find that typically a yield curve moves parallel flips from normal to inverse (or vice versa) twists (changes its ...
Kurt G.'s user avatar
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2 votes

Risk neutral measure of short rate model

For any given process for the short rate $\{r_t,, t >0\}$, the price at time $t$ of a zero-coupon bond with maturity $T$, where $t\le T$, is given by \begin{align*} P(t, T) = E\left(e^{-\int_t^T ...
Gordon's user avatar
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2 votes

Risk neutral measure of short rate model

The Vasicek and other short rate models are only "incomplete" until they are calibrated to market data. If rates actually followed Vasicek processes, it would be trivial to estimate the "Real world" ...
user9403's user avatar
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