Currently being the CEO of a holdings company in the fields of Corporate Finance linked with Advisory for Business Process Reengineering (and several other fields of business). As today's business needs heavily involve IT & business alignment in order to optimise profitability, I'm always keen on learning more about and experimenting with different setups, architectures, programmes and applications, so to get the most out of existing infrastructure.
Ubuntu for sure is one of the greatest achievements in the IT sector so far. I have never seen such an impressing road map combined with achievements, which not only improve our daily needs but also have such tremendous impact on companies' profitability. Apart from that, the seemless integration of systems from mobile devices up to real-deal-big-boy cloud computing with just one "layout and philosphy" is truly remarkable.
Apart from my daily job I am involved in Business Development mostly on the Chinese market, innovation management, arts management and the (contemporary) classical music industry, being a proud owner of two chamber music ensembles.