I have written a Python script to price American options using Least Squares Monte Carlo and added a QuantLib implementation below (analytical/binomial/finite difference) to compare. The problem is that my MCLS approach seems to slightly overprice calls and underprice puts and I can't seem to find the error in the code. Any help with this/advice on the best way to normalise the underlying's price would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!
from numpy import zeros, concatenate, sqrt, exp, maximum, polyfit, polyval, shape, where, sum, argsort, random, \
RankWarning, put, nonzero
from zlib import compress
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import sys
from QuantLib import *
from pylab import *
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RankWarning)
# Define global parameters
S0 = 100 # Underlying price
K = 90 # Strike
valuation_date = Date(1, 1, 2018) # Valuation date
expiry_date = Date(1, 1, 2019) # Expiry date
t = ActualActual().yearFraction(valuation_date, expiry_date) # Year fraction
T = 100 # Time grid
dt = t / T # Delta time
r = 0.01 # Interest rate
sig = 0.4 # Volatility
sim = 10 ** 5 # Number of MC simulations
DiscountFactor = exp(-r * dt) # Discount factor
""" Least Squares Monte Carlo """
def GBM(underlying, time, simulations, rate, sigma, delta_t): # Geometric Brownian Motion
GBM = zeros((time + 1, simulations))
GBM[0, :] = underlying
for t in range(1, time + 1):
brownian = standard_normal(simulations // 2)
brownian = concatenate((brownian, -brownian))
GBM[t, :] = (GBM[t - 1, :] * exp((rate - sigma ** 2 / 2.) * delta_t + sigma * brownian * sqrt(delta_t)))
return GBM
def Payoff(strike, paths, simulations): # Define option type and respective payoff
if OptionType == 'call':
po = maximum(paths - strike, zeros((T + 1, simulations)))
elif OptionType == 'put':
po = maximum(strike - paths, zeros((T + 1, simulations)))
print('Incorrect input')
os.execl(sys.executable, sys.executable, *sys.argv)
return po
def loadingBar(count, total, size): # MC progress bar
percent = float(count) / float(total) * 100
sys.stdout.write("\r" + str(int(count)).rjust(3, '0') + "/" + str(int(total)).rjust(3, '0') + ' [' + '=' * int(
percent / 10) * size + ' ' * (10 - int(percent / 10)) * size + ']')
# Graph the regression fit and simulations
OptionType = str(input('Price call or put:'))
print('Plotting fitted regression at T...')
GBM = GBM(S0, T, sim, r, sig, dt)
payoff = Payoff(K, GBM, sim)
ValueMatrix = zeros_like(payoff)
ValueMatrix[T, :] = payoff[T, :]
prices = GBM[T, :]
value = ValueMatrix[T, :]
regression = polyfit(prices, value * DiscountFactor, 4)
ContinuationValue = polyval(regression, prices)
sorted_index = argsort(prices)
prices = prices[sorted_index]
ContinuationValue = ContinuationValue[sorted_index]
ValueMatrix[T, :] = where(payoff[T, :] > ContinuationValue, payoff[T, :], ValueMatrix[T, :] * DiscountFactor)
ValueVector = ValueMatrix[T, :] * DiscountFactor
ValueVector = ValueVector[sorted_index]
f, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1)
axes[0].set_title('American Option')
axes[0].plot(prices, ContinuationValue, label='Fitted Polynomial')
axes[0].plot(prices, ValueVector, label='Inner Value')
axes[0].set_xlabel('Asset Price')
axes[1].set_title('Geometric Brownian Motion')
axes[1].plot(GBM, lw=0.5)
axes[1].set_ylabel('Asset Price')
# MC results
print('Pricing option...')
for i in range(0, 100):
loadingBar(i, 100, 2)
for t in range(T - 1, 0, -1):
ITM = payoff[t, :] > 0
ITMS = compress(ITM, GBM[t, :])
ITMP = compress(ITM, payoff[t + 1, :] * DiscountFactor)
regression = polyval(polyfit(ITMS, ITMP, 4), ITMS)
continuation = zeros(sim)
put(continuation, nonzero(ITM), regression)
payoff[t, :] = where(payoff[t, :] > continuation, payoff[t, :], payoff[t + 1, :] * DiscountFactor)
price = sum(payoff[1, :] * DiscountFactor) / sim
print('\nLeast Squares Monte Carlo Price:', price)
""" QuantLib Pricing """
S0 = SimpleQuote(S0)
if OptionType == 'call':
OptionType = Option.Call
elif OptionType == 'put':
OptionType = Option.Put
print('Incorrect input')
os.execl(sys.executable, sys.executable, *sys.argv)
def Process(valuation_date, r, dividend_rate, sigma, underlying):
calendar = UnitedStates()
day_counter = ActualActual()
Settings.instance().evaluation_date = valuation_date
interest_curve = FlatForward(valuation_date, r, day_counter)
dividend_curve = FlatForward(valuation_date, dividend_rate, day_counter)
volatility_curve = BlackConstantVol(valuation_date, calendar, sigma, day_counter)
u = QuoteHandle(underlying)
d = YieldTermStructureHandle(dividend_curve)
r = YieldTermStructureHandle(interest_curve)
v = BlackVolTermStructureHandle(volatility_curve)
return BlackScholesMertonProcess(u, d, r, v)
def FDAmericanOption(valuation_date, expiry_date, OptionType, K, process): # Finite difference
exercise = AmericanExercise(valuation_date, expiry_date)
payoff = PlainVanillaPayoff(OptionType, K)
option = VanillaOption(payoff, exercise)
time_steps = 100
grid_points = 100
engine = FDAmericanEngine(process, time_steps, grid_points)
return option
def ANAmericanOption(valuation_date, expiry_date, OptionType, K, process): # Analytical
exercise = AmericanExercise(valuation_date, expiry_date)
payoff = PlainVanillaPayoff(OptionType, K)
option = VanillaOption(payoff, exercise)
engine = BaroneAdesiWhaleyEngine(process)
return option
def BINAmericanOption(valuation_date, expiry_date, OptionType, K, process): # Binomial
exercise = AmericanExercise(valuation_date, expiry_date)
payoff = PlainVanillaPayoff(OptionType, K)
option = VanillaOption(payoff, exercise)
timeSteps = 10 ** 3
engine = BinomialVanillaEngine(process, 'crr', timeSteps)
return option
def FDAmericanResults(option):
print('Finite Difference Price: ', option.NPV())
print('Option Delta: ', option.delta())
print('Option Gamma: ', option.gamma())
def ANAmericanResults(option):
print('Barone-Adesi-Whaley Analytical Price: ', option.NPV())
def BINAmericanResults(option):
print('Binomial CRR Price: ', option.NPV())
# Quantlib results
process = Process(valuation_date, r, 0, sig, S0)
ANoption = ANAmericanOption(valuation_date, expiry_date, OptionType, K, process)
BINoption = BINAmericanOption(valuation_date, expiry_date, OptionType, K, process)
FDoption = FDAmericanOption(valuation_date, expiry_date, OptionType, K, process)
os.system('say "completo"')
53: RankWarning: Polyfit may be poorly conditioned regression = np.polyfit(GBM[t, :], value_matrix[t + 1, :] * discount, 8)
and LSMC call price is 10 while put is 0. $\endgroup$t = float((expiry_date - valuation_date) / 365)
to get non-integer time steps. Now it runs and I see overestimation of the call value. $\endgroup$sim = 5 ** 5
I see prices both below and above. Maybe convergence is the issue? $\endgroup$