A bank might not have the expertise in recovering defaulted loans. it might be more efficient to sell the claim to someone who specializes in recovery and knows how to doit better.
There was a nice article in the Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/business/wp/2016/03/29/how-one-hedge-fund-made-2-billion-from-argentinas-economic-collapse/ a few years ago explaining how a hedge fund made lots of money buying bad Argentina soverein debt.
Summary: in December 2001, the Republic of Argentina defaulted on about USD 90 billion of bonds (mostly USD denominated, but some EUR and other currencies). Many bonds were sold to retirees in Europe and the like, who had no expertise in trying to recover bad debts.
Argentina said, they might have some money, but they would not pay anything, because they're the government. (No, that wasn't nice at all.)
A hedge fund that had the expertise bought some defaulted bonds (not at face value, of course), so the bond holders got some money right away. Them for over a decade, it fought the government of Argentina in U.S. courts, and eventually recovered more money than they had paid for the defaulted bonds.