I'm looking for a set of exercises that teach how to build a project finance spreadsheet.
I accept there may be no typical project finance, but there are a lot of principles are shared in common across a lot of projects. The debt/ equity split, setting hurdle rates, calculating IRR, looking at how yields vary depending on various outcomes, tiered senior debt / subordinate debt / different types of bonds (deep-discount, income, convertible, etc) / equity.
I'm working my way through various books on the subject: Yescombe's "Principles of project finance", Tan's "Principles of Project and Infrastructure Finance", Merna & Njiru's "Financing Infrastructure Projects", and so on.
Now I'm looking for some electronic resources: specifically, a way to start building example project-finance spreadsheets, to analyse the structure of project-finance deals, to teach myself, in stages, how to build such a thing.
Please can you point me at some suitable resources?