I analyzed the historic data of the SP500 and tried a trading simulation on it. I picked the best 20 companies from SP500 for one year according to their ROE and put them in one portfolio. Let's call this TOP-Portfolio for now. I've also done this for the worst companies - BOTTOM-Portfolio and I've created a MIXED-Portfolio with the top 20, and bottom 20 companies.
Then I simulated a 52 weeks to represent a whole year. If a company is no longer in the SP500, I 'sold' this company and distributed it's current value along all the other remaining companies. There are no companies bought during one year.
If the year is over, I 'sell' all the companies and again create the 3 portfolios and distribute the whole money from the old portfolios on the new ones (money from old TOP-Porfolio will be distributed on the new TOP-Portfolio and so on).
My mixed portfolio performs better than the bottom and the top portfolio. Is there a possibility that this outcome is still true? Since I thought the mixed portfolio would perform like the average of the TOP- and the BOTTOM-Portfolio, this outcome is rather strange for me.
I'd appreciate any help from you.