I am getting a negative theta for a short put deal Is it possible and if yes then under what conditions. Kindly explain
I am just learning these concepts so my question may sound vague to some of you but please help
I am getting a negative theta for a short put deal Is it possible and if yes then under what conditions. Kindly explain
I am just learning these concepts so my question may sound vague to some of you but please help
Theta on a European Put option on a non-dividend paying stock is:
$$\Theta=-\frac{S_t \sigma}{2\sqrt{\tau}}N'(d_1)+rKe^{-r\tau}N(-d_2) $$
For deep in-the-money Puts, $d_1$ and $d_2$ go to negative infinity: consequently, the term $N'(d_1)$ goes to zero, whilst the term $N(-d_2)$ goes to 1. Therefore, deep ITM puts can have a positive Theta, with a limit equal to $+rKe^{-r\tau}$.
If you are short the deep ITM Put option, you are short the positive Theta, which means your Theta can be negative.
For completeness: $\tau$ is time to maturity, $K$ is strike, $\sigma$ is vol, $S_t$ is the value of the underlying at the point in time when Theta is computed, $r$ is the risk-free rate. $N'(d_1)$ is the Standard Normal PDF with $d_1$ being the domain, whilst $N(-d_2)$ is the Standard Normal CDF with $-d_2$ being the domain.