Earlier I had the question (5.11 Tomas Bjork):
$$ \frac{\partial F}{\partial t}+\frac{1}{2}x^2\frac{\partial^2 F}{\partial t^2}+x = 0 $$
$$ F(T,x) = ln(x^2) $$
And solve it using Feynman-Kac. The PDE gives the stochastic differential $dX=XdW$ so to solve the PDE I need what $X$ that solves the stochastic differential. An example in the book showed how to solve a differential of the type above and did it by letting $Z=lnX$, compute its differential $dZ$ (which then become independent of Z, which I guess is the point), solve for Z, and then for X just raise the exponential function with the solution for Z (since $Z=lnX$). This all went fine.
Now I have a question considering the standard BS-model where I´m supposed to derive the arbitrage free proce process for the contingent claim $X=(S(T)^{\beta})$, $\beta=const.$
Standard BS-model gives the differential for $S$ which is $dS=rSdt+\sigma S dW$. Thinking of the earlier question I gave it a try doing as before. Setting $Y=S^{\beta}$, and computing $dY$ gives:
$dY = Y(r\beta +\frac{\beta(\beta-1)}{2}\sigma^2)dt+\sigma \beta Y dW$
for which I then need the $Y$ that solves this $dY$. Doing as above however, setting $Z=ln Y$ (with $Z_0 = ln s_0$), computing $$dZ = \frac{1}{Y}dY-\frac{1}{2Y^2}(dY)^2 = dt(\beta r+\frac{\beta(\beta-1)}{2}\sigma^2-\frac{\beta^2\sigma^2}{2})+\beta \sigma dW$$
Integrating and raising the exponential function would give the solution $Y$ for $dY$:
$$ Y = s_0 exp(\int^T_t(\beta r+\frac{\beta(\beta-1)}{2}\sigma^2-\frac{\beta^2\sigma^2}{2})dt + \int^{W_T}_{W_t}\beta \sigma dW)$$ which then would give the price process $$\pi = s_0^\beta exp[\beta(\beta r+\frac{\beta(\beta-1)}{2}\sigma^2-\frac{\beta^2\sigma^2}{2})(T-t)]$$
This result, according to the solutions manual is wrong however. It has this extra term $\frac{\beta^2\sigma^2}{2}$ which appears when doing the extra step of letting $Z=lnY$ and so on but I can´t understand what the difference is from the first case and why this doesn´t work. Please let me know if something is unclear and I´ll try to revise.