Assume a stochastic process $X_0 = 0$ and $X_t = \nu t + \sigma W_t$ where $W_t$ is standard Brownian motion and $\nu$ is a drift (can have $\nu \leq 0$ if necessary, but prefer it to be general), and $\sigma > 0$. Furthermore,
- Let $\underline{X} < X_0$ be an exogenously given default threshold.
- Define the first passage time as the random stopping time: $T = \inf\{ 0 < t \mid X_t=\underline{X} \}$.
- Define $0 < \bar{T} < \infty$ as a terminal time.
An asset pays out as follows:
- If default has not happened by the terminal date (i.e., $T > \bar{T}$), the asset pays $p(X)$
- If default does occur (i.e. $T \leq \bar{T}$), the asset pays $0$
- Everything is discounted at rate $r> 0$
QUESTION: Given a $\nu,\sigma^2,\bar{T}, X(0),\underline{X}$, how do we price this asset?
Is this standard? More abstractly (and forgive my poor knowledge of terminology), is this linear combination of standard debt and equity instruments? Looks a lot like a some weird combination of a stock market futures contract and a credit default swap, but I can't figure it out? If it is standard, then we may be able to just add up the solution from some standard formulas.
Attempts at solution: My gut tells me this can be written recursively with a Bellman equation such as: $$ r V(t,X) = \nu V_X(t,X) + \frac{1}{2}\sigma^2 V_{XX}(t,X) + V_t(t,X) $$ With boundary values, $$ V(t,\underline{X}) = 0, \text{for all $t < \bar{T}$} $$ and $$ V(\bar{T},X) = p(X), \text{for all $X \geq \underline{X}$} $$
And if we could solve PDE, then the price is: $V(0,X(0))$. Is this correct, or are the boundary values incorrect because they let the $X$ dip below $\bar{X}$ and then go above to gain potentially be higher at $\bar{T}$?
If this is the correct PDF and boundary values, I can attempt a direct solution.